A Guide to Different Platforms for Communicating Science

A Guide to Different Platforms for Communicating Science

Once you identify a gap in the knowledge or a specific idea you want to develop and communicate, the next stage is to determine the means by which you do that. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to communicating your science to the audience; you are at your own liberty to choose based on your needs and availability. In this edition, we introduce some commonly used mediums to communicate science.

Sci-Art and Illustrations

Sci-art involves combining visual media with science. It has the added advantage of engaging your audience with visual elements while explaining concepts. Sci-art involves illustrations, photography, sculpting, painting, multimedia installations, and so on.

Inner Workings

The above artwork is by Jody Rasch .

Podcasts and audiobooks

Audio-based formats work well for audiences who are always on the go. It allows one to work or drive while listening to a podcast or an audiobook. When it comes to delivering your science as a podcast, you need to employ a suitable execution strategy and clear narration and should be able to navigate the technical aspects of recording and producing a segment. Some podcasts to look up are Ologies and Radiolab.

Films and documentaries

Movies and documentaries can act as a powerful format to communicate Science. They allow for emotional storytelling, which can help a scientific message stick in the audience's minds for much longer. Take a look at the trailer of the movie 'Invisible Demons' which talks about the grave climate crisis that India is facing.

Scientific and journalistic writing

One of the traditional and common mediums to convey your ideas, writing is an easy way to start communicating your science without needing specialized technical expertise. From starting a blog on your own to pitching stories to magazines and news outlets, there are a lot of avenues you can choose from.

Science outreach activities

One of the direct ways to connect with the public, outreach activities like science exhibitions, citizen science projects, science festivals, etc. make a lot of impact on the public. The Foundation for Advancing Science and Technology - India 's India Science Festival and Science Gallery Bengaluru are two engaging public engagement activities in India.

The above picture is from a fireside chat that Suchitha Champak had with Jaya Baloo about cyber security at the India Science Festival , in 2023.

You can use any of the means mentioned above or a combination of all these platforms to communicate your science. One should consider their target audience, the purpose, availability, and other factors before choosing a medium. Ultimately, what matters is how effectively the science is being conveyed to your audience.

In the next edition, we will explore the various challenges one might face as a SciCommer.

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