Guide to CSIRO Pt.11/12
Nick Sokolov - Simulation Comb mechanism - cam calculations 1997

Guide to CSIRO Pt.11/12

My biggest patent in CSIRO c 1994 was written in combination of C++ and Turbo Pascal ( this IP ranks with WiFi ). This was prior to CSIRO management recognizing the power of PC. The Software shows differences between Sclumberger and Sokolov Cams - required to deliver same fibre performance and in case of Sokolov Cams 40% improvement in fibre productivity. In those days one needed to write everything in software (eg svga, com and many other interface routines) - it consumed much of my time writing for hardware and modeling. Models were - theoretical fibre model, CNC - to make cams, Cad(lisp) to import and export data and Machine mechanics analysis. I kept writing the code past my redundancy and into my own company. Those who were deemed "my betters" took over my work only to loose all of the IP to Sclumberger. Prior to 2000 I expected CSIRO to ask for my help - they did not - they simply ask for my software BUT were not intending to pay or even apologize with a CSIRO recognition. Australia used to ride on the fibre production ( sheep's back ) - we now don't. Dr.Kirby and I recognized early that sharing information with CSIRO management (briefing) was our leak in our IP - it simply means that my company evolved this technology worth billions of dollars in worsted production and simplification of what is the most complex machine in fibre and textile production ( that included exotics like carbon fibre ). 

This work may look "mechanical" it is a profound bottleneck in long fibre production. Even in 2017-8 the problem persists ( starting in 18th century with competition between English Comb and French Comb, French won that battle of technology, and its now the accepted combing system. Sokolov cams made next iteration possible but it was never fully realized and what we had prior to 1995 was lost to the advantage of Sclumberger)

Fig 01 Here is a clear picture of how simulation worked in 1994 technology. Under each icon/picture is a computer program , compiled or scripted. Take for instance Icon:"Cam NSC80 Data Input" is a software to digitize the cam or read existing digitized file. Arrows indicate the direction of the signal flow. Unlike Simulink in Matlab - this program shifts an instantaneous list of vectors that are rotating carrying time stamp to produce motion. It is link to a small animation windows in which one can see data and a direction of rotation. It lead's to a rotation for which upper an lower follower instantaneous positions are calculated. Each icon can represented nested level of programs. Just below in red is higher level icons showing the effects of cam rotation on the apron position. Base level of the nesting is a Matlab or C++ or Turbo Pascal or script program as shown in lower right hand corner. I originally wrote the screen pixel drivers for graphs in Pascal, an engineer from Melbourne University I was sharing an office with convinced me to use Pascal as it was easier then C, I eventually swapped to C++ as there were many things in Pascal one could not do - but C was open to almost anything and C++ was "free range" - ie one can write assembler direct and have it embedded in the C code. I need to ignore that engineer. from 2002 I have started using Python ( scripting - main binding software) - one never stops learning.

The only way to see massive amount of data that is in motion without taxing my brain was to create a block driven graphics. Now ADAMS and ALGOR did this very well in 1991 but it was beyond my pay grade to simply buy such software that didnt even have significant computation platform. So despite having two young children getting a sh*t pay on my level I had an 10y old car that CSIRO tools and some works shop personal ( & I ) kept on the road and I created this software form the PC technology I purchased. Following my rapid progress CSIRO engagement got behind my winning CSIRO patents - they love to be associated with a winner without even lifting a finger. Hence my final biggest CSIRO patent had my name as principle author followed by list of people that might have only attended a meeting or two in the combing project. So it was "team CSIRO" delivering the significant patent and year later I was made redundant after all it was a "team effort".

For additional background read "Guide to CSIRO Pt.10/12", "What does it take to start your own innovation business? Pt3" [see pt1 &pt2] and Reference [Guide to CSIRO 1-10] list attached.

Fig 02. This is a forward model 1994 directly comparing the motions between NSC Sclumberger and and Sokolov cams. From Fig01 - This entire process is represented by a single icon - here its shown expanded and connected. At that time we did not want to change "how the fibre was selected" but simply improve the processing ability of the comb. In 1997 I have written a "path synthesis" AI that allowed Dr.Kiby's theoretical model to be linked back to the performance of the worsted comb - I essentially made an AI comb that simply sets it's own parameters depending on the filtered length of fibre. Earlier version of this program was design to assure CSIRO and Slumberger that fibre parameters have not changed but that the combing has been improved by 40%. ( Just to put this in prospecting - most wool and fibre sub 21um are combed - to put that in terms of money - "it's a lot" followed by "wow" ). Non of this technology existed before Dr.Kiby and I approached the combing as a problem, neither in CSIRO and certainly not in EU - NSC Sclumberger. There was two attempts to improve combing 1960's - by Belin(CSIRO) and Verhagen( MoU), it had to wait for a PC revolution and Kirby and Sokolov. starting in 1988 by Sokolov and followed by Kirby few years later. ( I do not regard anyone else as contributing and I consider CSIRO management a hindrance to our success )

Prior to 1995 , CSIRO , Dr.Kirby and myself were so far ahead in PC technology than CSIRO with their PDP11 centralized mentality ( PDP11 was a main computer frame in our division ) . Rules were set in motion forbidding use of PC by individual scientist and engineers as Computing section was responsible for back up. Rudimentary network existed. Management was considered more important that science, however individual manager ( group and some project leaders) simply lost advantage because they did not understand the technology that was emerging or the people using the technology. When this schism arose - they simply appointed more complaint people to take over our world. The game was on to take our IP away from us.

They simply handed our work to the people "they considered" having the same "qualifications" and skills. I lost a lot of time writing simulation software from very basics. Now days and even 1998 onward with Matlab/Simulink, icon driven programming and improved Hardware is taken for granted. My personal history is an example of CSIRO FUs and black listing of staff that has done extremely well in favour of those that play the game. Yes we were disruptive and we paid the price. My company will move forward but I will never forget.

How was it all done

I used a PC I purchased not CSIRO. CSIRO management expected everyone to use PDP11 - prior to 1990's. Gates and Jobs were making inroads Linus was 13y old. 3DP was born and CNC needed efficient software to make curves in CSIRO - I wrote our own G code generator overcoming 64k barrier. CSIRO management did buy CNC machines but did not realize that it needed software - it was funny - spending by management become progress. DM4400 CNC was purchased - its only function was to produce a CSIRO logo and hand it out to visiting political figures until it was programmed by my software ( see jpg ) to overtake Sclumberger. 1994 was perhaps the last time EU was impressed by Australian and CSIRO know-how. That is the value of new technology.

Fig 03. This is a fully functioning G code generator for use with DM4400 CNC machine. This machine was purchased by a CSIRO site engineer but with limited software - he left the division shortly after the purchase as he found a higher paying job. I was left with a system with potential and no software, the software that was there was limited to 64k and was unstable to cut smooth curves. As I pointed out earlier "it was a shiny new thing" that served well for political CSIRO show and tell but useless to a practical engineer like myself. The manufacturer of DM4400 was uncooperative. So we went from designing superior cams to manufacturing - all on site in Geelong. My immediate group leader claimed that was just simply a job of Mechanical engineer and I have simply carried out ( being a Physicist -of the management kind I doubted that he knew very much other the what is a crystallographic structure of a particular semi-conductor. Prior to that he was a school teacher and had very limited experience outside secondary school system and his PhD topic. He was in charge of our project - I still hold my hands to my head when I think of his antics. But for now as then they are best ignored ).

I love my work ( paid or not paid ) BUT I do not like being taken advantage of by lesser men of CSIRO and their inability to convert hard work of two scientist into a victory and benefit. I have watched CSIRO for many years due to their possible claims on CRD P/L IP - one thing is clear; more they claim that the things are changing the more they stay the same. Providing purchase of new "shiny equipment" but not provide innovation rather providing technical implementation of hardware provided by others. In 1995 after our redundancy social media came into force - innovation declined.

In 1992 I was faced with a fact that programs were getting large and diverse. I needed to link all of the work in one large icon driven simulation. By 1996 others had the same problem, but to my advantage people like Matlab/Simulink had the same idea. They also provided a way of sharing data directly in this format. Now that technology is taken for granted - I have moved to write in C++ as OOP code and that by 2000 became a proliferation of C++ like program and scripted files. However some things stayed constant like OS that is becoming more and more Unix based BUT called Linus Linux with many distros. That was a lead that CSIRO had in pre 1995. Things have changed today most significant being the price of Hardware. Most other things have stayed the same.

The pain is unrealized technology - In 1997 when I was in Europe for a few months Sclumberger said to me " CSIRO is a known quantity - we did not expect them to move so quickly in such a short time - We would like to know if you are a famous Czech aircraft designer or one of his relatives? We thought they hired someone outside their usual UK or Australian pool of talent ". I responded by saying "I am from a local pool of Australian Talent". I took an occasion to explain Australian Cring in just about everything we do in Australia - the smiled ( ok they laughing at our naivety of our CSIRO management - I was very uncomfortable) . Sclumberger offered to re-initiate the Combing project it was unsuccessful since CSIRO wanted full funding for future work and not collaboration. This has to be read in context as CSIRO attempted to work with Sclumberger R&D since 1964 and were turned down. This was another opportunity that CSIRO missed. List of missed opportunities are long for CSIRO.


Each icon represent software written in variety of computer low and high level languages or scripts. input and output is flow of data. That was 1995 technology to which I added ever since - the advantage was re-usability of software sections. This was done in CSIRO just as Simulink or Sim block software was developed by others. Matlab/Simulink made inroads in my life in 1997 when I started teaching at Victoria University. Like Turbo Pascal and MathCad it gave way to C++ and Matlab/Simulink. They was a proliferation of icon driven software another example is Spice in Electronics. But I was happy that as a lowly CSIRO experimental scientist and my fellow Researcher Dr.Krby we embraced this "new technology" as it arrived and was described by Byte and "Machine Design" magazine. Including the word "Mechatronics" which I was promptly told by CSIRO not to use or invent new words - despite my assurance that I did not and was the word of the future described by "1987 Machine Design annual edition".

This is the Current technology developed in Geelong by Sokolov and Kirby in 1991 and used by Sclumberger. The patent(s) were "given away" by CSIRO on technical briefing by Sclumberger :-)


The pain is unrealized technology - In 1997 when I was in Europe for a few months Sclumberger said to me " CSIRO is a known quantity - we did not expect them to move so quickly in such a short time - We would like to know if you are a famous Czech aircraft designer or one of his relatives? We thought they hired someone outside their usual UK or Australian pool of talent ". I responded by saying "I am from a local pool of Australian Talent". I took the occasion to explain Australian Cring in just about everything we do in Australia - they smiled ( ok they laughing at our naivety of our CSIRO management - I was very uncomfortable) . Sclumberger offered to re-initiate the Combing project it was unsuccessful since CSIRO wanted full funding for future work, future income from any patents and no collaboration. I would have simply said NO if I was CSIRO management but they as usual over-complicate and stuff things up. This has to be read in context as CSIRO attempted to work with Sclumberger R&D since 1964 and were turned down. This was another opportunity that CSIRO missed. List of missed opportunities are long for CSIRO.

How simple are gems of ideas? During my work at CSIRO I was challenged to improve Worsted Combing. It was humblingly the most complex machine I have ever considered and NSC Sclumberger was confident that I could not tackle such difficult problem. "Cam Design and Manufacturing Handbook" isbn 0-8311-3122-5 was my introduction to complexity of cam driven mechanisms and its limitations. In margin of my book I sketched the solution next level of design. I brought considerable power of PC in 1989 to solve this problem and create a CNC program ( software & data ) to allow CSIRO to take out world patent to a surprise of Sclumberger in Europe using then new technology. This effort took but a few minutes of inspiration and day dreaming followed by years of technical work ending in 1995 to make a CSIRO high speed comb. I guess there is always a simple idea even if non were thought about in 300 years of cam development. There is always a way of improving the existing tech. That was my greatest CSIRO patent I ever held and focus of CRD P/L development - a unidirectional worsted comb that would save billions of dollars in textile manufacturing & processing. This is still current free domain Sclumberger technology in worsted combing that started as a CSIRO patent.

Fig 04. This is a sketch on side line of the book on cams "Cam Design and Manufacturing Book"2nd ed. by Norton ISBN 0-8311-3122-5.

Cams are the most complex dynamic elements in a mechanical world that provide repetitive complex action at high speed unmatched by pneumatic or electronic solution when processing fibre for worsted garments. Numerical models are large to simulate derivatives and dynamic behaviour at high speed. Cams are used every day - best example is the internal combustion engine which will not go away just yet BUT if they do need for worsted clothing composed of long fibre will be with us for a long time. One can read more on what was done between 1989-1995 and work Dr.Kiby and I did.

I was also blacklisted from age of 35 by CSIRO never to be employed again. This was also problem in my University posts - I was never offered full time employment. The improvement came with a mining boom and my ex-students who got me a position with BHPB OD and Rio Tinto in which I excelled and was able to construct new lab and computing facility for CRD P/L. I learned of my employment problems with CSIRO from my application as a chief engineer with CSIRO Antarctic division _ I would have loved that job - but it was not to be - The American Engineers was a better and more hands on choice. While all of this was happening I was socially ostracized by employees of CSIRO BUT not Dr.Kirby now a long term family friend.

Fig05. This is my 1991-4 software running as VM on Linux SL6 distro (2015) also known as "Red Hat". Starting clockwize from 11am, Velocity Fourier analysis of the Sclumberger NSC80 comb, the red line is our FFT fit to data allowing for higher derivatives to be obtained from digitized data. 1pm is the original DOS based CAD drawing of the comb 1991, 4pm is the menu for Sclumberger comb reverse engineering of the comb and Dr.Kiby theoretical model of fibre movement and selection. 7pm is the G code generator and graphical interface I have written since CSIRO likes purchasing the hardware but not software. Hardware is a better photo opportunity for CSIRO management.

Fig 06. Now we have all of those programs I have written running on my Android ( Linux - system ). I only wish I had this hardware when I was doing the original work that CSIRO failed to recognize. That has now changed - I have most of it now.

Fig 07. our new CNC table is taking shape well - ATC ( automatic tool changer) is ready for fitting and I am also waiting for surface fittings. This CNC machine is required to make our Worsted Comb sides - First ever Australian made high speed comb - this CNC will make precision machine sides of our comb. After 20 years of struggle against the odds and the might of CSIRO claims, it is getting closer to realizing my dream of all Australian made comb ( perhaps even export to the world including China - new employment industry for Australia )- it is simply working the existing problem of fiber processing in a smarter way. Our worsted comb will follow the NSC Sclumberger and other EU developer of machinery ( cars and trucks ) by providing computer diagnostics and web based machine diagnostics making reverse engineering of our product a complex task - and those that understand how complex worsted comb is - this will provide another layer of Intellectual property protection in complexity ( it will be cheaper to buy it then revers engineer it - protection NSC Sclumberger enjoyed for the past 150 years with its worsted comb export to India and China ). :-)

Fig 08. Most our software runs on variety of platform - Here is a copy of Matlab 4c, 1998 running on my quad core Tegra Toshiba Android Tablet. Knowledge is in Software. I could only dream of this much computing power - now running on Android Tablet.

Fig 09. This is my work area - one work station in a part of CRD P/L Super computing 100Tb system and 128 CPUs. This exceeded and matches some CSIRO and University departments. It is what it takes to overtake CSIRO in smart spending - I built this system from some parts that are new and some from ebay and some from gov auctions at fraction of what they paid.

My works space as the owner of CRD P/L 1300mm wide screen - driven by 2 work stations in CRD P/L. Screen Cost $450. My company has now past 100Tb NAS-RAID10 ( Simple explanation: I can sustain 50% HDD failure (5 out of 10 HDDs can die without data loss) in my storage/computing facility - all battery UPS backed ) capacity operating 22 computers of which 4 are servers, 2 of which are Cluster computing gateways utilizing every single CPU core in my company over a 1gbit network. At moment I am waiting for our new CNC table with an auto tool changing from OMNI. Time to make few posts and mention CSIRO Div of Utopia ( Utopia being my ABC comedy show of choice ). My energy needs in 2018 will be solar powered - project in progress. We do it cheaper then CSIRO since we all do science and engineering and we do not have a dead weight of management ( not all are like that but I would say wast number is - I have visited other CSIRO divisions notably CSIRO Antarctic division and found Dr.Forbs and his HR team an exceptional manger. On the other hand there are some woeful brown noses working in CSIRO middle management making decisions ).

I had an ambition to be a group leader in Combing, I enjoyed working in CSIRO - others in my former CSIRO Div looked at my progress and decided that I was a threat to their position - hence my gains were wasted and I was redundant at age 35 together with my fellow co-worker. "Others" with same skills went on to loos my IP and patents that were property of the CSIRO and in turn property of the people of Australia. That level of patronage and management is what holds back the full power of CSIRO.

How to best sum up CSIRO, I mentioned my 10y old car at the beginning of my publication. So here is another story, I used my lunch time to fix my car at CSIRO or go for a run. I also helped TAs and TOs to keep their cars on the road, one day I was adjusting a bonnet on a young's TA's first car as it did not want to close - my room mate "engineer" from UoM came out looked at my work and proceeded to give me an approval on half finished job without getting his hands dirty. His other famous comments after every one of successes was "Yes, I could have done that , easy - if I was asked".hmmmmm? Recipes for success in CSIRO I need to follow his example. Another time was a young ES she needed to have here car mended - she regaled me with a story of here "German engineer" boyfriend - it is obvious he was so good that he never fixed her car. As I worked late and in those days even the management of CSIRO did not have hire cars and I use to leave late many of their cars would have flat batteries. I used to start them up I was a regular RACV ( racv would not attend as it was only road side assistance ). Most notable was a senior scientist that eventually become a Chief after my redundancy - he had no memory of my assistance as he was also a driving force behind keep my recognition and that of Dr.Kirby without CSIRO reward. He did not last long as a chief.

There were victims of CSIRO management - I was not one as I grew up in a working class suburb. They were victims of cruel mental torcher and newly minted PhDs or the ones in process of becoming a PhDs , their mental break downs were astounding and were sweeper under the carpet easily never to work as scientist or Lectures. They had no such luck with me, perhaps as I was fit and tall and they were short and afraid. They did have a go referring to me as an "gorilla" I responded by naming the culprit "Barry Budge" a colorful creature in his cage - name stuck - he hated me for that and that was reflected in my personal file - "never to be employed again by CSIRO" (yes they can do that as it was reflected in my application for Chief Engineer CSIRO Antarctic division, It would have been simple to send me south - I would have loved it - BUT CSIRO needs to be CSIRO ).

Relations with CSIRO.

Why does a project take 20y to get to this level - simple answer - one or two people working outside CSIRO after their redundancy are not taken seriously. Job is complex and requires serious income through consulting while tearing through life with a dream. What could have been less then 4 years in CSIRO due to their connection with relevant industries even if it is "lip service "it is still a "door opener" for goods, money and services. For mortals such as myself outside CSIRO it takes 20 years. AND I was motivated to beat CSIRO and now it looks that I will but I need to hold for a little bit longer. The Australian independent fashion house and processor has taken an interest in our progress. Something like that usually takes a very short time inside of CSIRO. No matter I am enjoying kicking bloated CSIRO management the only way I know with a successful outcome.

I had an ambition to be a group leader in Combing, I enjoyed working in CSIRO - others in my former CSIRO Div looked at my progress and decided that I was a threat to their position - hence my gains were wasted and I was redundant at age 35 together with my fellow co-worker. "Others" with same skills went on to loos my IP and patents that were property of the CSIRO and in turn property of the people of Australia. That level of patronage and management is what holds back the full power of CSIRO.

Just an effort to putchase our CNC machine is now running into 4 months - our other CNC machine was an effort of 1 year , this process is getting faster. Taken all together past my redundancy from CSIRO in 1995 that is how one sees 22y of progress.

Final Note on CSIRO:

CSIRO is like a very good race horse, its head and hart are the scientist and engineers that make science and prototypes happen. The industry is only interested in prototypes that work and that is how investment occurs. I have seen CSIRO reports trashed in large mining operations as CSIRO was unwilling to take the next step - see the process through to the prototype. When prototype occurred by small industry they placed CSIRO considerable obstacles to ownership of patents and IP in front of many small startup firms like mine. Over the last 10 years CSIRO management has tried to convince people outside CSIRO that management of science is more important then science, the management of science in CSIRO has always been the rear end of a very fine horse and over the years we got confused which end is more important in science.

Fig 10. Building a CSIRO division in Silicon valley USA. so much for being an Australian home grown R&D that uses the Internet to collaborate with the world.

References: Consider Reading my other posts..there are 43 titles use my LinkedIn profile.

30 Jan 1, 2017 Guide to CSIRO Pt.10/12 Change of Title - and other pitfalls

29 Dec 7, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 9)

28 Dec 7, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 9)

27 Nov 17, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 8)

26 Oct 30, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 7)

25 Oct 21, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 6)

24 Oct 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 5)

23 Sep 28, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO (part 4)

22 Sep 27, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 3 )

21 Sep 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 2 )

20 Sep 10, 2015 Young users Guide to CSIRO ( part 1 )

19 Jul 5, 2015 Mining Fan modal analysis

18 Jun 29, 2015 Mining Fan Failure and analysis

17 Jun 22, 2015 Cam linkage motion analysis - Front comb

16 Jun 10, 2015 Flash Furnace model, method & Gauss solution

15 May 30, 2015 Rod Mill failure analysis

14 May 17, 2015 Art of 3D CNC/CAD/3DP

13 May 4, 2015 WiFi & RF noise

12 Apr 26, 2015 Flash Furnace - Sensors

11 Apr 11, 2015 Mechatronic project and automation (Part 2)

10 Jan 4, 2015 Furnace - Venturi scrubber improvment

9 Dec 20, 2015 Mechatronic project and automation (Part 1)

8 Dec 12, 2014 FIFO to work - my best commute.

7 Dec 8, 2014 Be Green - LCD monitors recycled

6 Nov 28, 2014 Navigate 6DOF CAD in 3D printing

5 Nov 25, 2014 Worsted Combing - Rise of Computing (part 1)

4 Nov 2, 2014 Mechanical Computer - prime numbers

3 Oct 30, 2014 Wavelets v Heisenberg uncertainty (part 1)

2 Jul 14, 2014 UAV CH47 remote control with Saitek X52Pro.

1 Jun 26, 2014 HPC-MPI Super Computing Cluster

Here is a reminder of last CSIRO effort that failed to yield results as they got rid of two people that were delivering the results. It is no wonder that CSIRO can not keep or even recognize original technology - the simpler the better.


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