A Guide to Commercial Litigation
Disputes often arise in business. Commercial disagreements are a distraction from the management of day-to-day business and a drain on resources. When commercial disputes arise it is important to resolve them in the most cost efficient and effective manner. There are many pre-litigation strategies that can be considered, however in some cases decisive court action is required.
A commercially minded approach to dispute resolution is important and any decision to take legal action needs to be very carefully considered as part of a larger strategy.
Grondal Bruining has been recognised as a Leading Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Firm in Western Australia. We want you to be well-informed, understand the process and options before deciding the best course of action for your circumstances. It is for this reason we have developed a complimentary "Guide to Commercial Litigation".
Legal battles can become very costly and require an enormous amount of management time. Before making a decision to litigate, it is vital to assess the consequences of winning or losing your case. In many scenarios, a resolution of a dispute can be made through other processes. If it becomes necessary to escalate a dispute to court action, the litigation process should be approached in a way that best achieves your strategic objectives and is most likely to optimise the prospects of a successful outcome.
In writing our Guide to Commercial Litigation, we decided it was important to set out the steps likely to be involved in pursuing or defending a court action, so as to provide a better understanding of the litigation process as it unfolds. We provide an overview of the litigation process and touch on the benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution options. We have also included some practical preparation tips and an outline of the procedural aspects of the process including briefing Counsel, interlocutory applications and settlement offers. We also broadly cover mediation and preparing for trial should your matter proceed to court.
It is our hope that by providing useful information on the stages of Litigation and its procedures, those involved in a dispute will be more fully informed and be in a position to make better decisions about the way they'd like to proceed.
Click here to obtain a copy of our Guide to Commercial Litigation.
Dean Grondal – Principal, GRONDAL BRUINING
Ph: +61 8 6500 4320
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.grondalbruining.com.au
Grondal Bruining is a commercial law and litigation firm committed to providing the highest quality legal services. Our team is renowned for providing outstanding benefits to clients, delivering proactive and professional advice. We represent clients in superior courts and tribunals and when using alternative dispute resolution procedures. We have been recognised as a Leading Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Firm in Western Australia by Doyles Guide. The team at Grondal Bruining has particular experience in managing and strategically positioning our clients in contested situations well before they come anywhere near a court. In a time of stress or crisis, perspective is often lost and making any decision at all can seem like a good one. We recognise this can be a recipe for costly mistakes. We approach legal disputes by controlling time and systematically developing and implementing the best strategies for the situation.
The material in this article is provided only for general information. It does not constitute legal or other advice. Contact Grondal Bruining for advice specific to your circumstances on +61 8 6500 4300.
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