Guide To Access And Manage Your New FET Tokens

Guide To Access And Manage Your New FET Tokens

Last week, the CUDOS token and blockchain merge with ASI was successfully completed, with the halt of the CUDOS mainnet, and the upgrade of the (ASI) mainnet in the Cosmos ecosystem.

To reiterate, the merge has already been completed, and all tokens have already migrated. While CUDOS tokens are still visible on platforms such as Keplr, Mintscan, or the CUDOS Explorer, please note that these are only historical records. Native CUDOS tokens no longer exist.

This guide outlines how former CUDOS holders can view, access, and use their new FET tokens. The following points are answered:

  • What are the recommended wallets for FET tokens?
  • How can I see my new FET tokens in my Keplr?
  • What explorer should I use? How do I find my ASI Alliance address?
  • How can I use my new FET tokens?
  • How can I use my Ledger to see and manage my new FET tokens?

This guide does not cover tokens on centralised exchanges. For that, please read our summary blog on it:

The central platform that will allow you to see your tokens correctly and do all actions with them is Mintscan in combination with the Cosmostation wallet, but please keep reading for a detailed explanation and alternatives such as the ASI wallet.

Also, as a reminder, FET is the native token of the ASI Alliance chain in Cosmos. The ASI Alliance chain used to be the blockchain before the initial ASI Alliance merger of, SingularityNET, and Ocean Protocol. While the FET token will be renamed to ASI soon, you will still see FET in several places, which always relates to the ASI Alliance token.

What are the recommended wallets for FET tokens?

The Cosmostation wallet and the ASI wallet are the two main recommended wallets. Both support the ASI Alliance chain and display the vesting correctly.

For the Cosmostation wallet, you should ask it to display the ASI Alliance chain manually the first time to see your tokens. To do so, follow these steps,

1. Click on the chain selection box.

2. Click on the icon to manage chain preferences.

3. Type “asi” in the search box and then enable ASI Alliance.

4. Your new FET tokens will then be displayed, including the vesting schedule.

How can I see my new FET tokens in my Keplr?

The easiest way is by starting the login process in the CUDOS Intercloud platform:

If the ASI Alliance chain still needs to be added to your Keplr, Keplr will prompt you to add it when you click login in Intercloud (at the top right of the home page). That will make your FET tokens visible in your Kepr account. For them to appear in the drop-down on the home page, you might need to scroll to the bottom and click on the “New tokens detected” option.

Please note that Keplr doesn’t display the vesting correctly as of the time this guide was written. To see that correctly, please follow the next section or use the Cosmostation wallet or the ASI Alliance wallet.

What explorer should I use? How do I find my ASI Alliance address?

The recommended way to see your new FET tokens is using Mintscan. Mintscan is a great multi-chain block explorer, where both CUDOS and the ASI Alliance chains are listed.

As we talked about before, the new FET tokens are received in the same account where you had your CUDOS tokens. That means the same mnemonic or private key with the CUDOS tokens will now have the FET tokens. The CUDOS and ASI addresses share most characters for that same account but have different endings.

Throughout this guide, we’ll use the following account as an example, which has the following CUDOS and ASI addresses:

  • cudos1e9sh34kfyaltnsewvtqpkmuv59lwyt6mv5gk33
  • fetch1e9sh34kfyaltnsewvtqpkmuv59lwyt6m7cgddn

If you are coming from CUDOS, you will know your CUDOS address, but how can you find your ASI address? The easiest way, for now, is again with Mintscan. If you go to the CUDOS page of your CUDOS address (in this example, then you can click on the “Multichain Profile“ icon, which is the first one from the right next to your wallet address, as displayed below (please note this may only be available on the web browser – if you only use mobile please consider the ASI wallet for now).

Then, a window will pop up where you can see the address of your account in many different chains:

By clicking on the ASI Alliance row, you will be redirected to the ASI Alliance page for your account, where you will be able to find your ASI address. In our example, that’s

There you should already see your FET tokens. As a reminder, the total amount that you should have is the number you had in CUDOS divided by 118.344. In more detail:

  • The tokens that were delegated should still be delegated. They will be delegated to the same validator that you were delegating to in CUDOS, and if that’s one of the few that didn’t migrate, then they will be delegated to the CUDOS Validator, which is maintained by the CUDOS team.
  • Available balance, unbonding tokens and rewards should all have been made available in balance with the migration to ASI. However, not all of them may be available just yet, due to the three months vesting. To find the amount of FET you have (which, again, should be equal to the previously available balance plus unbonding tokens plus rewards, all divided by 118.344), you should add the numbers in the “Available” and “Delegatable Vesting” rows.

That’s because tokens that have not yet vested can be staked. The only thing you can’t do with them is send them to a different address.

As can be seen in the screenshot, you can also see details about our vesting below that box. All vesting schedules created in the CUDOS merger into ASI are continuous and finished on Jan 26, 2025 (90 days after the merger was completed). In that box, you can see the total vesting amount and what’s already available for transfer.

How can I use my new FET tokens?

While Keplr can be used to transfer your FET tokens, the recommended way to use, stake, and unstake them is with either the Cosmostation wallet or the ASI wallet, which are both available for mobile and Chromium-based web browsers.

Cosmostation wallet + Mintscan

First, if you haven’t already done so, download the Cosmostation wallet. If you want to import your CUDOS account into it, then

  • Click on the name of your wallet at the top.

  • Click on the setting icon at the top right of the selection box.

  • Choose your preferred way to recover your account and follow the steps.

You will then be able to see your account, your new FET tokens, and the vesting schedule. If you can’t see your FET tokens yet, you need to enable the ASI Alliance chain for the tokens to be visible. To do so, please follow the steps outlined in the “What are the recommended wallets to use?” section of this guide, but in short,

  • Click on the current active network box.

  • Go to chain settings.

  • Type “asi” in the search box.

  • Enable the ASI Alliance chain.

Once you’ve done that, to fully manage your tokens, including staking, unstaking, and voting, please go to Mintscan. Once there, click on the wallet icon at the top right to connect your wallet to Mintscan.

  • Then, there is a wallet section on the left-hand side's navigation menu. To stake, unstake, or redelegate tokens,
  • Go to the “Stake” page.

  • Select FET in the Coin menu

  • Select the validator, add the amount you want to stake, and follow the confirmation steps.
  • Redelegations and unstaking can be found on the same “Stake” page under the different tabs offered at the top.

ASI wallet walkthrough

You can import your mnemonic or private key into it to see your ASI Alliance account directly. We’ll give a very quick tour of the wallet, further details can be found in the docs:

After you install the ASI Alliance wallet, you’ll be asked to create a new account or recover an existing one. If you want to import your CUDOS wallet, please click "recover account" and then enter your mnemonic or private key.

After that, you will be able to see your ASI Alliance account, which should have all your new FET tokens. You will also see your fetch address there, which you can use in Mintscan to also see your ASI Alliance account there.

To see details about your vesting schedule and to delegate and undelegate tokens, click on the Stake tab, second from the left, at the bottom of the extension.

To stake tokens, scroll down on that same page to see the “Start staking” button.


  • Select the validator to which you want to stake your tokens from the list.

  • Select the amount, and follow the instructions to confirm your transactions.

How can I use my Ledger to see and manage my new FET tokens?

If you had CUDOS tokens in your Ledger, an excellent way to connect your Ledger to the ASI Alliance chain is yet again using Mintscan. Mintscan supports hardware wallet connections, meaning you don’t need to use any web wallets to access and manage your new FET tokens. Alternatively, you can also use the following blockchain explorer:

In either case, using Chromium-based web browsers such as Google Chrome is recommended.

Wilson Wilson

Driving growth in Web3 / Content Creator / Crypto enthusiasts / Blockchain / Mechanical & Marine Engineering / HSE professional

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