Guest Talk at IBSE: Ralf Takors (University of Stuttgart)
IBSE (Institute of Bioprocess Science and Engineering) is a research and teaching institution at BOKU, Vienna.
Transferring bioprocesses successfully from lab to production scale is key to ensure a sustainable bio economy for commodities and fine chemicals as well as to establish novel production routes for biopharmaceuticals. Often enough, performance criteria such as titer, rates, yields, and product qualities deteriorate with scale whichendangers the successful implementation of the innovation.
Comparing scale-up constraints for microbial and mammalian bioprocesses, similarities but also differences will be shown. Thereupon, the example of recombinant Escherichia coli for heterologous enzyme production will be shown, illustrating how basic research lead to the identification of cellular stress responses, mimicked by the on/off switching of related genes which was in the focus of related strain engineering studies to create a robust production platform. Noteworthy, all works were guided by thorough modeling leading to the prediction of large-scale performance by making use of computational fluid dynamics.
Lessons learned from the microbial showcase were applied for the analysis of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells producing monoclonal antibodies. A novel scale-down bioreactor concept and methodology is developed, the so-called single multi-compartment bioreactor (SCMB). Applying SCMB in the lab for IgG1 producing CHO revealed the typical large-scale performance which renders the device a promising system for future scale-downstudies.
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You are cordially invited to join this talk:
Date: Friday, 30th September 2022, 1 pm
Place: Muthgasse 18, MUG 3, EG, SR12