Guest Editor MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute/Switzerland)
Member of the Managing Directors Board/Business Development Manager @ UGS GmbH | PhD
I am happy to be invited as a Guest Editor for the largest open access publisher in the world MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute/Switzerland) of the special issue “New Challenges for Natural Gas Storage Facilities in Oil and Gas Fields” in the Journal Energies.
A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Based in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. Its 331 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals are supported by more than 84,200 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available and all content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
We invite you to contribute a paper to this timely Special Issue. Many of the current markets for natural gas are being transformed by using renewable energy sources and batteries instead, whereas other uses such as liquefied natural gas and hydrogen/natural gas blends remain important. The new uses may promote imaginative and novel uses for this extensive energy network. This Special Issue aims to attract technical papers that contain vibrant new concepts and methods for the utilization of these facilities, with special emphasis on: Maintaining and enhancing safety, both now and in the future; Cost-effective re-purposing or closure scenarios; Case studies and resulting key learnings; Novel field, laboratory, modelling, inventory verification, and monitoring approaches; Identification, assessment, and risk analysis of hazards to product containment; Three-dimensional trap characterization studies. Thought-provoking contributions in these areas, as well as related topics, such as those listed as keywords, as either original research or review articles, are welcomed.