Guess What! You only will live once
Hussain Al-Ghamdi
Misk 2030 Leaders | Founder & Chairman of Authentic Leadership Holding | Board Advisor | Strategic GRC Consultant & Architect | Non-Profit Organization Ecosystem Advisor | Investor | Leadership Coach & Mentor
“15 Laws of Personal Growth” Maxwell referred to a study on successful retired Executives when they were asked “ what would you do if you had the chance to relive your previous life? What would you do differently?”
Their Answers were: they would be more responsible about their life, they would do their plans in earlier stage. They would take more care about their health, spend their money more wisely, spend more time with family, invest more in personal growth and development. They would enjoy their life more and do the things they love to do.
We will never ever have the chance to relive again. We only going to live once. Life is not a rehearsal. It is the time to think deeply of our purpose in life and how can we get the best out of it.How can we have a life balancing?
I think if we ask ourselves the following questions in a daily bases, our lives will change, I strongly recommend to put them in front of you to trigger you:
1- What do I want to accomplish ( in all roles that you are playing in life)?
2- Where I am standing now ( what is missing, where is the gap)?
3- Do I do ( in a daily bases) what is needed to be done ?
Most of us have dreams, however few of who has the courage to pursue them.
May Allah bless you All