Guess What I Am: Coach, Counsellor or Mentor

Guess What I Am: Coach, Counsellor or Mentor

Guess What I Am: Coach, Counsellor or Mentor?

In my training career, I have experienced that many people are confused between Coaching, Counselling & Mentoring. While the objective is same of all the three – to solve a problem and help someone achieve desired goals or outcomes – the approach is completely different. 

Let us understand the difference in detail so that we reach out to the right expert for our questions. :)

What is Coaching? 

This is also known as Executive Coaching, Life Coaching or Business Coaching. Here the coach will not direct you towards the answer but will ask you some great questions that may inspire the asker to think smartly towards the solution to their problems. Coaching helps one understand their thinking process and identify the thought patterns that inhibit internal development, thus enhancing self-awareness. This feeling help the asker identify what works for them and what doesn't work, and accordingly change their behaviour for better results.

A good coach focuses on the helping the asker unleashing their inner potential and revealing their hidden capabilities towards achieving their goal, without suggestions or inputs from their own side. 

The next time when you approach a coach, be prepared for some hard-hitting questions that would make you think about yourself and question yourself. Your coach will also restrict suggestions from their side and examine your inputs in a neutral and unbiased manner.

Now that you know what a coach is, watch this space for more on Counselor and Mentor.

#lifecoaching #selfawareness #diffrencebetweencoachmentorcounsellor#transformingvisions #innovix #enterpreneurexcel


