Guardians of Light within a world of gross darkness
Carlos Dyer
volunteer security-minded writer & strategical think tank listener problem solver
Please don't learn only to teach learn to evolve for when you grow in this manner everybody else grows with you. The methods that have grown within u have transitioned into solutions and rules of engagement plus strategies and concepts that enhance mindsets whereas it has revolutionised lifestyles transforming the simple into the wise and the wise into serial professionals men and women this world has never seen before. Quit revealing your hand as some things should never be seen until they need to be seen then return behind the scenes as if they never left their original place. As striking terror into those that are evil your actions and attitude determine how far u go so u have to be different from everyone else's to make those who do evil rethink their actions 24-7 365 days of year you are light and in you is no darkness as light and darkness can not coexist together. The more you become the light the darkness will fear you more than you will ever know as it understands it shalt have any place to hide or abide and over time the hunter shall become the hunted & darkness lifts and finds somewhere else to abide but within the place or environment or geographical location, light shall have dominion forevermore. All things are possible to them that believe. You are making headway in leaps and bounds so evil will try to discourage you and distract you from your main purpose read the charts and do your homework you're making more progress than two thousand years ago look how far you have come don't allow small talk to ruin u as all it is small talk your abilities are more vast than the ocean start putting the most effective of them together even with spiritual abilities and then you will see a shift like no other as greater is He that is in you than he that is in this world. most of what you're dealing with in this world is not always mortal in its current form of conduct so when you go into certain zones and you can not overcome it because there is a spiritual entity that has dominion there you using all your resources in vain unless you learn to tap into the right source for sincere victory until you do this the kind of victories you want won't become major until you invite Jesus Christ & His Holy Spirit into every demonic circumstance situation or issue you encounter as you cant use natural things against spiritual things and hope for the same result as it shalt work