Guardian of Dignity
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
In Find Your Dance this week, I shared thoughts around Joy and Purpose; and I humbly recommend the read.
In conjunction with that, some time ago, I wrote a blog on leaving your MARK.
I truly, humbly and assertively suggest both to read and reflect.
Assertiveness should not be confused with aggression. In many ways, I suggest it is the antithesis of same. Aggression hides a fear, attempting pretense and pretending. Assertiveness suffers such not. We speak our truth confidently, without need to protect or pose. We value our gifts; and those of others. We stand our middle and high ground; for what is right for our best and noble selves; giving Honor to our worth. We have good and strong and healthy boundaries, knowing we and all are worthy of Respect. Indeed and in deed, Assertiveness guards our Dignity.
Assertiveness advances great and needed conversations and dialogue; free of vitriol and diatribe. It is constructive. And it begins with knowing our own best sense of what I call the Congruence of Character, Purpose and Unity.
That Congruence helps provide our anchor, rudder and ballast in the face of forces of contention and strife. Our thought, will and action are aligned. We are truthful with ourselves; and others.
We discern and decide with ultimate Candor. It is our countenance and gate. I assertively recommend the aforementioned reads. Finding one's best dance and one's best mark both help to build a best life worked, played and lived.
For me, and after a day of pretty intense reflection, I am making some of those candid decisions born of Assertiveness. Indeed and in deed, it is what I try best to do and be and it is my work to accountably explore such.
Living a life assertive can help with the stress and worries. It can help advance a life where we are less beaten and battered by forces of change, challenge and chastisement. We get to find, stand and claim our best middle ground and connect with others on theirs. The best way that we can build truly stronger bridges of constructive connection is through its practice. Finding our best voice and allowing others theirs... we move forward together, stronger.
Humans Together, Strong.
Peace, purpose and prosperity...