GuangHong helps build your fiber network
Fiber Optic Networks
With higher bandwidth, longer transmission distances, and immunity to electrical interference, fiber optic cable is the preferred choice for backbone applications within the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) and in today’s complex data centers. As the demand for increased bandwidth grows, GUANGHONG will work with your team to design and implement a fiber optic infrastructure that is right and affordable for your future needs.
Splitter Balanceado 1×2, 1×4, 1×8,1×16,1×32
Compliant with?#Telcordia?#GR?#1209 #1221 #3120 #Anatel
O splitter óptico é um componente passivo utilizado para realizar a divis?o do sinal óptico em uma rede de distribui??o PON. Com baixa perda de inser??o e alta confiabilidade é ideal para atuar nos comprimentos de onda de 1.260 a 1.650 nm. Conta com fibras de baixa sensibilidade a curvatura (G.657A) e é ideal para sistemas FTTH, redes HFC e comunica??o de dados. Splitter óptico desenvolvido com tecnologia PLC(Planar Lightwave Circuit).
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GuangHong factory provides Fiber Optical passive Products include FBT&PLC splitters, Pigtail, MPO/MTP Patch Cords, Fiber Optic Cables, ODF/Optical Distribution Box and other processing tools