GTN Outperformed BTC And ETH??
We did a simple and crystal clear comparison between the Glitzkoin GTN token, BTC and ETH. The time period July 2018 to February 2019 was selected for a specific reason. After the successful completion of the Glitzkoin ICO at a GTN token price of $0.15 to $0.20 in June 2018, the GTN token began trading on the Stellarport exchange in July 2018.
Both Bitcoin and ETH recorded significant losses during that period but, the GTN token moved up by 50%. Don't forget that both BTC and ETH are supported by enormous hype and market frenzy - but nothing could stop their fall. It is likely that, crypto traders wishing to tank their losses, spent part of recovered funds on the GTN token. This is just a thought and we do not wish to blow it up as a major achievement.
But the fact remains that GTN went against the subdued market sentiment to reach an impressive level. More about this at