"GTA" Multilingual Terminology: Allowing Players to  Enjoy the Game World!

"GTA" Multilingual Terminology: Allowing Players to Enjoy the Game World!

In open-world games like "GTA," understanding the specialized terminology is crucial for enhancing the player experience. To this end, we have specially compiled the "GTA" Multilingual Terminology?to help players around the globe better understand and enjoy the game.

Wanted Level

??- Chinese: 通缉等级 ?

??- Spanish: Nivel de Buscado ?

??-?French: Niveau de Recherche ?

??- German: Fahndungslevel ?


??- Chinese: 抢劫任务 ?

??- Spanish: Atraco ?

??- French: Braquage ?

??- German: Raubüberfall ?

?NPC (Non-Player Character) ?

??- Chinese: 非玩家角色 ?

??- Spanish: NPC (Personaje No Jugador) ?

??- French: PNJ (Personnage Non Joueur) ?

??- German: NPC (Nicht-Spieler-Charakter) ?


??- Chinese: 悬赏 ?

??- Spanish: Recompensa ?

??- French: Prime ?

??- German: Kopfgeld ?



??- Spanish:Completar el juego

??- French:Passer le jeu

- German:Das Spiel absolvieren


Side Mission


???- Spanish:Misión secundaria

???- French:Mission secondaire

???- German: Nebenquest


Save Point

???- Chinese:存档点

???- Spanish:Punto de guardado

???- French:Point de sauvegarde

???- German:Spielstandpunkt



???- Chinese:防弹衣

???- Spanish:Armadura

???- French:Armure

???- German:Rüstung


Health Pack

???- Chinese:医疗包

???- Spanish:Kit de primeros auxilios

???- French:Pack de santé

???- German:Gesundheitsbeutel

?Game Tips

?Cover System?

???- Chinese:掩体系统

???- Spanish:Sistema de cobertura

???- French:Système de couverture

???- German:Cover-System


Quick Time Event

???- Chinese:快速反应事件

???- Spanish:Evento de tiempo real

???- French:événement en temps réel

???- German:Schnellzeitereignis



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