GT Inlet air filter lifetime – Once a year analysis or Continuous monitoring

GT Inlet air filter lifetime – Once a year analysis or Continuous monitoring

By Pertti Sundberg, Head of Sales for Eagle Filters

GT users are often asking us if we can define the remaining lifetime of the filters and could we offer Remaining lifetime assessment services for our filters. As much as we would like to take a few of the filters to our test bench to measure the increased weight and dp as well as do a few microscope pictures to see the material status we really don’t recommend doing Once a year analysis of the GT inlet air filters but we always recommend doing Continuous monitoring of the Filter condition.

Worst case scenario of Once a year inspection would be that you should change your filters immediately

When you go to your dentist once a year you always hope there isn’t many holes in your teeth requiring immediate attention and in best case you get to fear for another year to get a new verdict if you are good to go for yet another year – it’s the same with the Filters, you really want to know the condition of your Filtration system continuously rather than just once a year.

With the Once a year analysis you take a few filters hoping to get an overview of the status of your filters. Although for the weight increase the Once a year analysis will give you a fairly good indication of the accumulated dust on your filters but for the more important indicators (dp and material integrity) you only have to hope that the random sampling hit the potentially damaged filters – you only need a few damaged filters to see an increased deterioration of your compressor performance – instead of getting a life time expectancy based on of the intact filters. And the worst case scenario is that the result of the Once a year inspection would be that you should change your filters immediately - when you just started your operation season and you have 11 months to the next scheduled outage!

So that is why we ALWAYS recommend Continuous monitoring of the GT inlet air filter condition to minimize the unpleasant surprises.

So what indicators should you be looking at that could reveal the health status of your GT inlet air filters? Actually there are only two variables you need to monitor – dp of the filters (over each filter stage) and Compressor efficiency.

And this is how Continuous GT inlet filter monitoring should be set up:

dp of each filter stage

dp is the most important indicator of the remaining expected life time of the filtration stage. dp will increase during the lifetime of the filters as the filter gets blocked by the particles it eliminates from the GT inlet air stream. With each filter material there is different characteristics how the filter will behave when closing on its end of lifetime.

Some cheap materials, like cellulose, are very vulnerable for humidity and may have very unpredictable lifetime as even one heavy spike in humidity could weaken the material causing the pleats to lose their form and dp rising rapidly skyhigh. ePTFE materials will work relatively stable until end of membrane lifetime but typically have a very rapid increase of dp at the end of lifetime without a proper prewarming. Most reliable materials will indicate the last 25-30% of lifetime by a noticeable change in dp increase rate enabling the Operator to plan for the next outage. Knowing your filter material behavioral properties enables you to prepare for end of lifetime.

dp is the most important indicator of the remaining expected life time of the filtration stage.

In addition to material selection affecting the dp increase rate each filtering stage will have a different rate of blocking depending on how your filtration design has been achieved and how well the Filtration efficiencies have been defined. Typically we recommend having a cheaper and easier to replace pre-filter taking most of the coarse dust load to target 8.000hrs operational lifetime and have the Fine and EPA filters only taking care of the finer contaminants with 16.000hrs target operational lifetime.

The final dp setting should also take into account the price of electricity as the increasing dp will reduce the output of your GT – you can look into your GT manual to learn your machine′s specific dp-MW ratio to have the secondary dp setting value optimized.  

Unfortunately the type of contaminants as well as other Site specific factors such as proximity of industrial plants or coastal environment with high humidity and salt will affect the lifetime of the Filters and that is why its NOT sufficient to look at the dp alone.

A single sandstrom or high humidity loading from extreme fog may block your semiloaded prefilters requiring an immediate replacement. On the otherhand salt and leaching will perforate your filters with pinholes resulting the dp value showing a low dp increase value (if any) while letting through a lot of contaminants causing compressor efficiency drop. This is why you need to monitor also your Compressor efficiency - Compressor efficiency is a health indicator of your Filtration system.

Compressor efficiency

Compressor efficiency is your best indicator of the health of your Filtration system especially if you have already upgraded your Filtration system to HEPA-class with Degradation limited next to none.

You can monitor the Compressor efficiency continuously opposite to the other Filtration health indicator, the Off-line washing degradation. With HEPA the Off-line washing degradation isn′t even really applicable but for F-class filtration you may need to take the Off-line washing gain into account as well as you will be able to detect the change in compressor efficiency drop rate with F-class filtration as well - it is just harder to notice due to lower filtration level to start with.

Main rule of thumb is that any sudden change to the compressor efficiency is a clear indicator that something has changed in your Filtration system – most likely your filtration system has experienced Leaching or even a rupture of a filter elements causing contaminants suddenly penetrating to your Compressor. You can verify this by looking at your dp value – if you see a sudden spike of dp followed by sudden drop of dp followed by sudden drop of Compressor efficiency (and typically an on-line washing) you know you are in trouble as your filtration system is seriously compromised.

Rule of thumb: any sudden change to the compressor efficiency is a clear indicator that something has changed in your Filtration system

After the double dp spike (up+down) it is the time to take out your production schedule and plan for an unexpected outage to have at least a visual check of your Filtration system hoping for a filter rupture - remember, with Leaching damages you cannot tell which filters are damaged as the damage is just micrometres in size opposite to a rupture damages which is easy to identify visually.

Typically you have the means to do the Continuous Filtration condition monitoring on your DCS - but if you only have the local dp gauges, the investment is not that big to add a few remote dp measurements to start Continuous monitoring of your Filtration condition – or ask if your Filter supplier is able to take the monitoring responsibility from your shoulder, at least we do…

And as always – you can always consult your friendly GT Inlet air Filter guy for more information!

Adel ElBangy

Mechanical Maintenance Engineer at Siemens Energy

1 年

dear pertti can be give my more information about the pulse air filter condition-based monitoring by a new technology



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