GST Refund Series
Vipulkumar Prajapati
CA (In) | CPA Aspirant | MSA & Analytics | PGCM-IAA -JAGSoM |B.Com | Experienced in Tax, Audit, FP&AR, Advance Excel | Adaptable, Collaborator, Analytical & Problem Solver, Quick Learn| Seeking Opportunities at CPA Firms
(Who can apply?, what is the circumstances for applying of GST Refund?, which Period?)
(Part 1)
Taxpayers must file a pre application form for all types of GST Refunds.
This Pre application not need to sign and apply through the GST log in portal however the application can not be edited after submitted.
Who can Eligible to apply for GST Refund in specific Cases?
·??????? IGST paid on Export of Services (with payment of Tax)
·??????? Accumulated ITC due to export of Goods and services (without payment of Tax)
·??????? Accumulated ITC due to supplies made to SEZ units/SEZ Developers (whether with payment of tax or without payment of Tax)
·??????? Accumulated ITC due to inverted tax structure (Tax on inputs higher than the tax on output)
·??????? Excess cash balance from electronic cash ledger or excess tax payment.
·??????? Receiving Deemed Export
·??????? Tax paid on an intrastate supply and later held as interstate supply and vice versa
·??????? Refund Claim by the unregistered Tax payer (Please refer circular no 188/2022 dated on 27/12/2022 prescribing the manner of filling of an application for refund by unregistered persons.)
·??????? ?If a supplier of deemed exports paid tax on deemed supplies without charging and collecting tax from the buyer of deemed exports, then he would be eligible to claim it as refund (on a declared that the recipient or buyer of such deemed exports does not claim a refund).
·??????? Assessment or provisional Assessment or Appeal or any other order.
·??????? Any other Grounds if specifically specify in GST RFD-01.
Steps for Filling the GST Refund Pre-application:
Step 1??? Log in to GST Portal, go to the ‘Services’ tab, click on ‘Refunds’ and Select ‘Refund Pre-Application Form’ option.
Step 2 On the page under Refund Pre-application form, fill the asked Details and click on Submit.
Steps to apply in form RFD-01 as under:
Step 1:? Log in to the GST Portal and go to the ‘Service Tab’, click on ‘Refunds’ and select the ‘Application of Refund’ Option.
Step 2:? Select the Reason for Refund or the type of refund and click on ‘create refund application’.
Step 3: Select the period for which the refund is to be applied (whether Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly, as per the ITC available in to the credit ledger shown for the benefit of the Tax payer). Select the Yes or No on the dialogue box for Nil Refund.
In Nil refund application, the taxpayer can declare and proceed to file using either DSC or EVC.
Not applicable for Excess cash balance in the ledger, intrastate supply later held as interstate supply and vice versa, assessment or provisional assessment or appeal in other specified cases.
GST Refund Series Continue in Part 2 also.