Is the GSA Schedule System 10x Better? By: Emily Hatchel
A concept that startup firms with a new business model need to ask themselves is this new business model 10x better than what currently exists in the marketplace.?If the answer is no, it is only 1 or 2 times better go back to the drawing board. Only a 10x business goes viral.??
The GSA Schedule System has been around for a while and has never gone viral per say.?Is this because the GSA Schedule system is not 10x??Maybe, maybe not but let’s take a look at the advantages to make a determination to see if having a GSA Schedule is 10x.???
Sales (1x) – Small Business with a GSA Schedules average over $1 million dollars per year from their GSA Schedule.??
Small Businesses need a Contracting Vehicle (2x) – A GSA Schedule provides a firm with a way for federal buyers to purchase from a small business vendor that is FAR compliant.?Without a contracting vehicle, federal buyers have a hard time making a purchase.
Market Research Visibility (3x) – Federal buyers generally review at least three sources before making a purchasing decision.?GSA Advantage the web porthole in which all GSA Schedule holders list their products is the favorite site for this market research.?
Access to a GSA only bulletin board (4x) – GSA ebuy is an online solicitation system (bulletin board) whereby federal buyers can place items out for bid; however a firm must have a GSA Schedule in order to participate.?This opens a whole new avenue in which to break into contracting with a particular agency.??
Helps position a firm to get on other GWACS (5x) – Having a GSA Schedule provides the pricing basis for obtaining positions on other GWACS.?The GSA MAS pricing can be used when applying for positions on other contracts.??
Increases Subcontracting Opportunities (6x) – When a prime contractor uses a GSA Schedule Holder as a subcontractor, items purchased from the GSA schedule at schedule prices are not required to be audited.?This saves prime contractors compliance effort.?Additionally holding a GSA Schedule shows the prime contractor that the firm is serious about federal contracting.
Enhancement of a firm’s value (7x) – Our most successful clients often work with a single federal agency where they have established deep roots.?In the federal space often times acquisitions occur in order to make inroads into a particular agency.?A GSA Schedule allows a small business entrance into these agencies creating root building opportunities and, in some cases, making the firm an acquisition target.??
Allows a firm to quickly add new products and services (8x) – When adding a new product or service to an existing GSA MAS Contract the Schedule holder can submit a modification and add the new product.??
Allows a firm to add non-schedule items (9x) – When completing a contract that was originated utilizing a GSA Schedule provided that the majority of the cost of completion of the project was from items purchased from the schedule, other items can be added to the contract provided they do not make up over half the cost.??
Synergies between a GSA Schedule and SBA/VA Certification (10x) – 8a, WOSB, HUBZone and SDVOSB Certification holders often find an increase in combined benefit by adding a GSA Schedule.?The likely cause of this benefit is because during the market research process the federal buyer identifies a certification holder as being able to meet the needs of the contract and then places the contract out for sole source or set-aside contract and inviting the GSA Schedule / SBA/VA Certification holder to participate.
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