GS18I with VIS Technology - Hexagon Geosystems Marketing Photo


I've spent a good deal of my last 12 years focused heavily on 3D laser scanners. My indoctrination came during my posting with the Johnson County Sheriff's Office Criminalistics Laboratory in Kansas, where I first dug in on a Leica ScanStation C10 3D laser scanner. I kid you not it changed my life. It led to me sitting here, working in my 5th year with Leica Geosystems, and loving every minute of the opportunities that I have to bring new tech into the Public Safety and Forensics world.

This week (08/17/2020), Leica Geosystems announced the release of the GS18 I, a true breakthrough for forensic mapping. Please watch this video for a brief overview:

The GS18I builds on the technology of the GS18t...which you may or may not of heard of...and it was pretty amazing in it's own right! The GS18t allows for the gathering of survey grade GPS measurements by simply touching the end of a pole probe to the spot to measure, hitting a button, and moving on having recorded the measurement to survey grade accuracy.

The GS18I takes the ease of use and flexibility for public safety responders to the next level. The GS18t is a revolution in mapping in its own right! The GS18t allows for the toughest of shots to be recorded on-site, tilting the pole, leaning and stretching to anything that can be touched with the pole tip, and not having to worry about being level or magnetic interference while deploying one of the most sensitive rovers the market had ever seen!

Forget the bubble when measuring with the GS18t!

The premise of the GS18I is simple. Measure what you can see. A GS18I rover is assessing its own position at all times. When the "I" mode is activated, the VIS camera begins taking a series of photographs of the scene. From the IMU, camera, and GNSS data, data points can be selected from within any of the images that have been captured, and the GPS coordinates for each point is calculated from the images!

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This is a stunning maneuver in on-scene and desktop work capabilities. A typical scene will leave you with dozens to hundreds of data points measured directly with a GNSS. The GS18I allows you to capture images that give you access to 1000's to 10's of 1000's of additional measurable points per scene!

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#GAMECHANGER -- I say this a lot, because Leica Geosystems empowers me to do so by continually upping the bar and releasing truly the "latest and greatest"!

Want to learn more? Give the Public Safety Group a call -- 888.449.6796 or shoot me an e-mail [email protected] ... many people think we just do me, we are a whole lot more!

 #GS18I #MeasureWhatYouSee #PublicSafety #CrashScene #CrimeScene #GNSS #LeicaPSG #LeicaGeosystems

Ryan M. Rezzelle is a 16+ year crime scene boots on the ground Crime Scene Investigator and 20+ year forensic professional. He now works as a part of the Leica Geosystems Public Safety Group focusing on scene documentation and reconstruction solutions, bringing public safety and forensic science together with geospatial solutions. He is a part of the Leica Geosystems Public Safety Group -- "LinkIn" with him or follow him here:

@LeicaGeoPSG on Instagram @CSIForensicGuy on Twitter

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