The Growth Rate of Startups in the United States

The Growth Rate of Startups in the United States

Building a startup into a sustainable firm takes years of dedication. But how do the roadmap's creators view it? When can we expect the company to start making money? What is the ideal angle for the metaphorical hockey stick? There are so many questions regarding what one must take into consideration when trying to build a startup with a high growth rate in the United States so that they are able to attract angel investors .

What is the Ideal Growth Rate for Startups?

It is always difficult to create and deliver revenue predictions to investors. Too high and they will not be trusted; too conservative and they will lose the other party's attention. In 2016, start-ups in the United States grew by 75.62% on average.

The average company anticipates revenue growth of 120% in its first year, 83% in the second, and 60% in the third. So the ideal growth rate for any startup is now measured between 60% to 120%.

What factors to consider when looking at a startup's growth rate?

Startup growth rates vary greatly by industry, country, and stage of development. Companies that start from scratch will be able to expand their revenues at a larger percentage rate. One explanation for this is that a smaller number is easier to grow than a huge one.

Industry sector

A startup needs to consider what industry it would like to compete against. Competing against a large, well-developed industry sector such as the real estate, wholesome, or delivery business may require you higher management fee in order to compete against those whales in the sector.

Therefore, startups need to understand their competitors well in order to have the primary advantage to compete and earn a portion of the overall industry sector earnings margin.

Country to oblige and work in

Startups need to know the ins and out of the country tax and the law code in order to work safely. Having the right code and law to work in the country may allow startups to obtain grants and leverage them to build the business better.?

For example, many financial businesses are setting up in Singapore because they have low taxation. This means more profits made from the business are able to be used for reinvesting into the business to grow.

Stage of development

Depending on the stage of development in the business, the startup may need to require more funding in order to grow the business. Each stage of a company is different from the growth stage, but the fact remains that the faster the business grows, the more funding is required in order to maintain that growth.

For example, in order for Robinhood to attract more users into their platform. Referral bonuses are constantly updated to stay fresh and relevant to what users would like to have for their referral bonus. Over time the number of referrals to the startup would grow more, and the funds needed to maintain it would be larger. Therefore, startups need to consider setting aside a portion of their funding for each stage of development in the business.

Why is it difficult to manage and grow a startup business?

90% of startups fail within the first 5 years in the business. That’s because managing the balance between a business's funding and its growth is really difficult. Most businesses overspend or overleveraged in the early stages of the business without proper planning of the roadmap in order to achieve success in the business. Measuring the growth rate and taking appropriate measures is of the essence; to do so, one must be well aware of how the business is progressing in terms of finance and overall worth. Valuation should be made at least once a year to know where the business is standing and how it’s performing in the market.

Why understanding a business growth rate is important?

By properly measuring and understanding the business growth rate. Startups are then able to measure, research and predict what their future growth rate in the business will be.?

At the end of every month or year, it is paramount for businesses to measure their business status, that way, they are better able to allocate and fill up areas that they are lacking in the business.

After having a proper measurement of what the business need, having a deep dive into the research gives the startup an edge on what they will need in the present to make the business more efficient.

Finally, predicting what is needed in the future is the most powerful factor in the business in order to correctly predict how the business will turn out. A great example would be Amazon, for Amazon to grow its business faster and maintain efficiency. They knew that they will need more robotics and smart AI intelligence in order to make the work more efficient. And their investment into these assets paid off. Amazon now is able to reduce its once manpower dependant business by over 70%.

By understanding a business's past, present, and future growth rate, the startup is then able to better allocate resources and aim to innovate what is needed in order to grow the business.

How Startups are the key driving force in the US Economy Business?

Startups drive economic growth both globally and locally. The value created by startups is approximately equal to the GDP of a G7 economy, and startup funding in 2021 will have topped $600 billion, shattering funding records. The number of unicorns has surpassed 1,000 and is rapidly increasing.

Innovation starts with Startups

For a country to prosper, having an innovative business is crucial for business to grow. Apple is only able to grow out of its slumber with Steve Jobs ' innovation in the mobile phone industry. Which almost completely wiped down many mobile phone businesses.

So in order to understand whether a country's economy is growing well, looking at the startup growth rate in the country is a good indicator to look at and determine whether the country will do well in the future.

How do you know the growth rate in order to line up the success of your startup?

Valuation is the key, Eqvista is a leading valuation firm since we assess the worth of new businesses across industries. To create a 409A valuation for your startup, we employ only tried and true procedures. Eqvista also offers several more services, such as:?

  • A FREE-to-use cap table application (you pay a subscription only after the number of shareholders goes above 20).
  • Company incorporation in the USA
  • Share management and issuance of electronic stocks using the app
  • Putting all your company’s financial documents and transactions on the cloud using Eqvista.
  • Scenario modeling to make better decisions for new funding rounds and when you want to exit.

Reach us , if you need assistance.


