Growth Mindset
Shyam Iyer, CPF ( IAF Certified? Professional Facilitator )
Founder - 60Bits Consulting - Facilitating Organizations to Transform & Raise Performance through Process Consulting, Leadership, Learning, Change, Culture, OD & HR Architecture [PMS, Engagement] | Ex CHRO | Ex TATA
Satya Nadella’s decision to move Microsoft’s work culture from Know-it-all to Learn-it all was transformational. For me, this strategy formulated by the Microsoft CEO encapsulates the “growth mind-set” philosophy that catapulted into centre stage after Psychologist Carol Dweck’s TED Talk in 2014.
The idea that we can “grow” our brain’s capacity to learn and solve problems is so liberating and empowering.
This disruptive pandemic has given you the opportunity to reassess your work culture. Now is the time to invigorate your team with an innovative way of “growing their brains”.
With 60 Bits Consulting you can design a learning program that truly aligns with each individual’s learning aptitude, personal and organisational goal.
Reach out to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to discuss your People Development needs in a virtual facilitative way.