Growth Marketing VS Digital Marketing. What's the difference?

Growth Marketing VS Digital Marketing. What's the difference?

The terms “growth marketing” and “digital marketing” are frequently interchanged and are generally thought to be the same.?

However, they are very different when it comes to the brand's concept and the process of using them.?

Let us, deep dive, into each one of them and find out the differences!

1. What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a type of marketing that uses digital channels to promote brands and connect potential customers with your business.?

Digital channels include search engines, websites, social media, email, mobile apps, text messaging, and web-based advertising.

In short, if a marketing campaign is using any of the above online media channels, it is digital marketing.

2. What is growth marketing?

In growth marketing, the key metrics are whatever a business considers being the highest priority. The goal of growth marketing is to improve the conversion and engagement rates throughout the marketing funnel.

Growth marketing is the end-to-end job of acquiring users from the top of the funnel to retaining those users.

Difference between Digital Marketing and Growth Marketing?

1. Digital marketing is a traditional approach that focuses on awareness and leads, while growth marketing is focused on the entire customer journey, from awareness to referral.?

2. Digital marketing focuses on the top of the funnel while growth marketing focuses on the entire funnel which leads to growth

3. Digital marketing is a campaign and is tactical-driven, while growth marketing uses a data-driven approach.

4. Digital marketing is done through digital channels such as SEO, email marketing, etc., while growth marketing is a mix of digital marketing and product marketing.

As the name implies, the goal of growth marketing is to compound the success of a company and achieve desired results along the entire funnel with rapid experimentation.??


