Growth Hacking & LinkedIn Optimization Guide

Growth Hacking & LinkedIn Optimization Guide

Why I have Faith in this Network 

LinkedIn is reputed as an effective In-bound traffic generator and the best social media platform by far for B2B. 

LinkedIn is the largest professional social network with over 350 million users worldwide. 107 million users are based in the USA. The other users are spread over 200+ Countries. Every second two new users join #LinkedIn

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What LinkedIn has done as a social media site to integrate its own blogging platform fueled by popular thought leaders, LinkedIn "Influencers". It has positioned itself, at 12 years old, to truly flourish. What I like about LinkedIn, is you don't feel as if you are wasting time, but at least that the "insights" have some educational value. 

Secrets of LinkedIn Search 

According to a LinkedIn guide we have some secrets to share about LinkedIn Search: 

Here are five things you need to know about LinkedIn Search, as summarized by Stacy Donovan Zapar, the Most Connected Woman on LinkedIn:

Did you know... the size of your LinkedIn network and participation in LinkedIn Groups can significantly increase

your visibility on the LinkedIn network?

  • I had no idea about this however, let's take a quick look: 

When people search LinkedIn,

the results are sorted by relevance, which takes into account the following:

1) 1st level connections with profiles that are 100% complete (or close to it) and have the most in-common connections/ shared groups, ranked in descending order

2) 1st level connections with the fewest in-common connections/ shared groups, ranked

  • in descending order by?profile completeness
  • 2nd level connections ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • 3rd level connections ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • Shared group members (outside of your network), ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • Everyone else (those outside your network), ranked in descending order by profile completeness

3)  Keywords in your name, headline, company name, job title and skills rank higher in the search results than keywords in other sections.

4) Using all fields and options available to you—like joining 50 LinkedIn groups—boosts your ranking.

5) Use a variety of keywords and terms in describing what you do and offer to show up in a variety of search results.

6) View LinkedIn search trends to see how many times you’ve shown up in search results and how many people have viewed your profile over the past three months—and then adjust your profile as needed.

Optimizing your LinkedIn Profile 

1 - Finish your profile  

2 - Keyword optimize your job titles (.e.g. instead of "Blog Manager", call it by it's more professional designation like "Inbound Marketing Strategy Blog Manager"). This is not lying, it's giving title more formal and descriptive titles. 

3 - Maximize your Group Membership. This actually can improve your profile's SEO. Since the group names appear on your profile, search engines will crawl the titles and learn more about you. 

4 - Don’t' be afraid to aggressively expand your Network. LinkedIn is still young, born in 2003 and still growing at a rate where it's considered "okay" to be a bit promiscuous. The "6 degrees of separation" esque system of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level connections mean that it's actually optimal to be connected to as many people as possible. Entrepreneur Rick Stomphorst writes: “[LinkedIn search results] elevate results for connections within a network (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd level connections, groups). 

5 - Leave no field blank.

6 - Foster Skill Endorsements from people you respect and who know and like you.

Become an Influencer

With LinkedIn driving its publishing platform to all english speaking countries (shear Genius), it's allowing user-generated content (UGC) on a massive scale that will drive more traffic and insights about nearly everything and anything industry related!

Smart copywriters will see the opportunity in this, as some of you reading this already do. However, it just makes sense that you should be able to showcase your insights in more ways on the world’s largest professional social network, as well as learn from others. If you’re already blogging and creating valuable content for your network, this is an opportunity to potentially achieve greater visibility and engagement.

So now to become an "online influencer" may be up to your writing ability, industry specific knowledge and network combined. You don’t have to be anointed as an “influencer” by anyone to become one, at least in theory.      

Builds on your Profile

Since your recent posts appear on your LinkedIn profile page in the now-popular tiled display format, so your featured image plays an important role.  This not only shows visitors you are active, but what you are thinking and writing about, your writing style and your spirit of innovation. 

  • Since UGC Insights and publishing on LinkedIn is relatively new, the audience seems to be highly engaged. 
  • The reader comments can sometimes be excellent and valuable, as a blogger, it's an engagement dream. 
  • The reporting is basic: views, likes and shares (the basics). The option to follow bloggers sure does make the community come more alive as an insight resource. 
  • Last time we checked in the US, Linkedin came in 12th on Alexa's search rankings, giving it a clout of millions of reasons to get indexed by crawlers. 
  • The best thing is the reptuation of its ability to drive substantial traffic, of course you have to "break-through" first. 

 Feedback from Copywriters 

“From an SEO perspective, it makes sense for business 2 business to publish content on LinkedIn since it has such high domain authority.”

– Daniel Duckworth

“My approach to blogging has been changed dramatically. I post more on LI than my own blog now, because the reach and impact have been substantially greater.”

– Craig Stumpf

“The best part of LinkedIn publishing is the comments from real people under their real names.”

– Leo Leung

“If you’re in the B2B space, or want to become a B2B thought leader, then this is definitely something to look into.”

– Daniel Hebert

“I’m enjoying the opportunity to see what my connections choose to write about, or share from blogs by those in their circle.”

– Kim ‘Max’ White

“With this additional media, I’ll tell stories about my expertise versus a boring list of bullets in the profile.”

– Dennis Brantley

“LinkedIn is getting a lot more lively and more relevant. The new ways to connect and share: inspiration; work; ideas; approaches; insights; even personalities are taking us to freer, more collaborative, more productive places.”

– Christine Haverington

“It is an exciting yet professional platform which I love for the insights, thought leadership, and generally, I find articles to be better researched.”

– Fiona Lucas

“LinkedIn has become a source I rely on to report factual, state of the science, relevant topics, and information directly to the professionals who can put it to use immediately.”

– Diane Kress

“It allows you to position yourself as an expert, and it becomes one of the major mechanisms for your branding effort.”

– Maria Markin MA, PMP

Future Scoring 

A future feature on a content marketing score promises some interesting analytics.  It’s a simple score calculated by measuring unique engagement (gauged through social actions), divided by your total target audience. You will be familiar with this if you own or manage a corporate page. 


Michael Spencer is a blogger for Konversation, an innovative Canadian Email Service provider. He works for a digital marketing firm in Montreal. He's passionate about all facets of digital marketing, with a current focal point of Email marketing. Come and support our blog here.  

Who are your favorite influencers that you follow for market insights on LinkedIn?


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