Growth Is Good
Don't listen to the naysayers, your goals are not too big. Their vision is just too small.

Growth Is Good

Has anyone ever told you that your goals are too big or that your dreams are unrealistic? Chances are if you are reading this you have experienced this in some form or another during your lifetime. I know I have, and I remember how it felt each time I heard it. Words can make you feel small, they can also make you lose your motivation, focus and inspiration if you aren't careful. It's important to keep in mind as well that not everyone verbally expresses their feelings with words, occasionally they express it by not being supportive or by becoming distant when you express goals or dreams. Have you ever wondered why people do this? I know I have, and it can be quite shocking when it happens. It typically catches you off guard and surprises you, especially if that person is close to you. Keep in mind, these are not strangers that tell you hurtful or diminishing things, these words can come from friends and even family members. While I wondered for a long time why people did this, it wasn't until recent years when I made a discovery as to the cause and what it meant. I remember the first time I heard this quote which is often attributed to Denzel Washington, and it changed the way I interpret criticism.

"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less."

This quote puts it all into perspective, doesn't it? It's important to remember that the same people who may seem like they have it all together are sometimes the most insecure. People who criticize others tend to be unsure of themselves or their own abilities and therefore attempt to project these insecurities onto you. For some, diminishing someone else's successes gives them a feeling of power and control. Regardless of who they are in your life and where they rank, pay attention to the way they make you feel. There will likely always be people in your life that doubt your abilities or diminish your accomplishments. Remember that these people are afraid. They are afraid to take the risks you are taking, they are afraid of failure, they are afraid of rejection and ultimately, they are not growing. Whatever you do don't live your life believing that success is for other people to enjoy or that your dreams are unrealistic. There is nothing that can be accomplished by having limiting beliefs and if you have them you are not living life to its fullest. To be very clear, you may fail hard when attempting to reach your goals. The road to success is bumpy and it will give you battle scars. However, those battle scars are your best teacher, every time you get one wear it as a badge of honor and keep moving forward!

Every truly successful person that I know builds up others and helps pave the way for them to succeed. I have never met a truly successful and abundant person who tears down or sabotages people who are working towards their goals. They have nothing to gain by doing this. If someone seeks to tear you down or destroy your confidence, it is in no way a reflection of you, it is a reflection on them. While it may sting when it happens just remember that they are afraid and keep going towards your goals until their opinions become irrelevant. Take your power back, shatter their expectations and achieve every goal you have. It does not matter how slow your progress is compared to someone else, stay the course, remain consistent and eventually you will become unstoppable. When you get to this point you will likely look around you and see a much smaller circle than you had before. Remember, life is about quality of relationships, not quantity. The only way you are going to achieve big goals is to surround yourself with people that challenge you to become better and by taking risks. Staying around negative people and remaining in your comfort zone are the quickest ways to get you off track. Do something every day that gets you closer to your goals and when you start feeling comfortable you better make a change and act quickly. Remember, the road to success is bumpy but if you work a little bit every day it won't be long until you are a different person entirely. The same people who once mocked your goals will now be out of your life and you will soon be surrounded by a tribe of supporters who are like-minded and successful. Life is too short to be surrounded by people with narrow vision and limited growth potential. Surround yourself with people who have a true growth mindset and who are continually improving and see how much faster you get to where you want to be. Life is what we make of it, and it all starts with mindset. There will always be people who want to bring you down to their level. Don't give in, keep moving forward and remain focused on what you really want, eventually you will become everything you set out to be and they will be out of the picture.

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Kurt Palmer

Region Vice President at Palmer Leasing Group

2 年

This is incredibly motivating. I’ve often found myself in the presence of doubters. How they disappear after accomplishments are achieved. Well done Tara!

Nicole Wright

????17+ Years Helping Ladies in Male-Dominated Industries become kicka$$ CEOs, the go-to expert in their niche, and build a six-figure brand. ????

2 年

Tara LaFon Gooch, MBA That quote from Denzel Washington was everything. I remember my stepmom telling me that I would never make it as a coach/consultant because it’s about who you know and not what you know. I could have told her that I was once a six figure coach back in 2014, but had two have two brain surgeries that forced me to stop working on my business. As I rebuild my business, I look forward to showing her just how wrong she is when it comes to my capabilities

Eseyin Daniel

? HubSpot Certified Content Marketer and SEO Expert. I help Corporate Brands & Start-Ups Improve their brand awareness and conversion rate by applying SEO & Content Marketing Strategies| Author |Transformational Coach

2 年
Danielle Asah Mantho

Helping Businesses & Brands with 5C Framework | Founder @DiDreams ?? 6X ROI | Author | Strategic Branding Expert | Business Consultant ??Transformed 300+ Brands ?? 2024 Top 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur

2 年

Tara LaFon Gooch, MBA I just subscribe yo your newsletter. Yeah it resonates a lot either Me. At a point in my life I saw relatives, people I thought loved me criticising me wholeheartedly. Always trying to pull me down

Tara LaFon Gooch, MBA, CVP ??

I Help Speakers, Authors & Thought Leaders Market & Brand Themselves To The Top 1% With Confidence | Creator of the GRASP Method? | International TEDx Speaker | CEO | 2X Best-Selling Author | Podcast Host

2 年


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