Growth, disagreement, and sighing

Growth, disagreement, and sighing

"Flexibility is strength. Literally and figuratively. Stretch yourself every day in every way." — Marc Middleton, founder and CEO of Growing Bolder

Middleton, whose goal is to combat misperceptions around aging, hits the nail on the head when it comes to increasing flexibility and embracing a growth mindset over a fixed one.

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Coined by renowned psychologist Carol Dweck, a growth mindset refers to the belief that abilities and talents can be broadened through an openness and flexibility to learn and improve. Consider these examples around the workplace:

  1. Stretch to embrace challenges. Don’t take the easiest path. Take the one that will make you stronger and more prepared for the future.
  2. Stretch to persist. Experiencing setbacks is like building a muscle; it must sustain micro-tears — essentially, damage — for it to grow back stronger. You develop your muscles intellectually and emotionally, just as you do physically. Failures are often the experiences we learn from the most.
  3. Stretch yourself to learn from criticism. Many of us feel crushed when we’re critiqued. With the flexibility of a growth mindset, you’re exhilarated by criticism: it’s a chance to learn, grow, and get better.

How can you employ a more flexible mindset at work this week?

5 steps to healthy disagreement at work

We’ve all been there. You’re collaborating on a project with multiple team members, and everyone has an opinion on the best next steps. You believe your way is the best way, but the team goes another direction. Your ego feels bruised, but the direction is what's best for the project. The skill of humility is important in high-collaboration environments.

ICYMI: July's Sonic Connection newsletter

Many brands follow a "disagree and commit" mentality — you can disagree, but once a decision is made, the team must commit to that decision. The intent is to ensure everyone is heard, even if the outcome differs from their opinion. Healthy debate fuels discussions, stimulates innovation, and can drive positive change.

Consider these strategies:

  1. Lead with respect. Keep your feedback to the project itself, not personalities.
  2. Practice active listening. Pay attention to other perspectives to understand their viewpoint.
  3. Prepare your points. Organize your thoughts before presenting your case, then back them up with evidence-based reasoning.
  4. Provide constructive feedback. Offer solutions that validate what you’re disagreeing with but also aim to provide a better outcome.
  5. Reiterate common ground. Reminding everyone of a joint goal helps the team stay open to differing opinions.

And now ... a moment of zen

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