Growth at all levels better for business
Shivani Gupta CSP
Founder PassionInstitute.Global I TEDx Speaker I Business Coach I Trainer I Author I Facilitator I EO Trainer
It is impossible to separate our personal lives from our business lives. As regular readers know, I’m all for work-life balance. I don’t mean we shouldn’t have boundaries and set times for work and home life.
The reality is our personal passions influence our choice of career and organisation as well as how we perform at work. Personal passions can be aligned with the values and goals of a business for greater productivity and performance.
Activating personal passion comes from looking at key aspects of our lives – body, mind, spirit, relationships, money, work and family. Depending upon where we’re at in our lives, these elements have a different priority. In looking at personal and business growth, my advice is to identify your top three priority areas and no more than one or two actions you can undertake to grow in these areas. Prioritising your focus will help to ensure you achieve the change you’re seeking. Next year you may implement new actions or change your priority areas.
The important point is there are many areas to growth. Changes in other areas can improve the work area.
Taking time out in your day to plan and action changes requires you to put yourself first for a short time. That is something women often fail to do particularly if they are balancing business with other duties. (It applies to men too.) A couple of years ago, several businesswomen and I were lamenting that there was no low cost, local, seminar that looked at a range of growth areas. So we created the Hunter Women’s Growth Seminar. Now in its third year, the September 7 seminar is possible because of the generous support of business people giving their time to help women to grow, with speakers covering all areas. A few tickets remain. My website has details.
Interested to join the Growth Seminar for Women? Click here to get your tickets now:
Shivani is the Passion Activator and a mentor, author and speaker. Twitter: @ShivaniGupta1