Growth After Lockdown: join Insider's forum tomorrow
Times of challenge create opportunities: how are forward-looking businesses planning not only to survive, but thrive, in a post-pandemic world?
Insider invites you to an On-Line Forum of business leaders tomorrow Thursday at 11am on how business find and develop growth strategies during and after lockdown. Just go to
We’ll look at what openings have appeared, how business models are evolving, and how they go about putting growth strategies into effect.
The free-to-view forum, sponsored by Timico and Bibby Financial Services, will look at how forward-looking businesses are planning not only to survive, but thrive, in a post-pandemic world. Over an hour’s discussion it will look at what openings have appeared, how business models are evolving, and how leaders go about putting growth strategies into effect.
The panel includes:
· Chris Sygrove, corporate manager, Bibby Financial Services
· Andy Parker, partner & head of corporate finance, Cooper Parry
· Mark Freer, investment director, BGF
· Martin Riley, chief technology officer, Timico.
Among the issues we’ll look at are:
· How have growth companies overcome obstacles, and what issues lie ahead?
· How are they communicating their strategies with stakeholders, from staff to suppliers?
· What new technologies and business practices will companies need for growth?
· Which sectors are primed for growth? Which for decline? Which for radical change?
· What opportunities will there be for organic growth and for acquisitions?
· How can we fund change and growth?
· Will there be a spike in accelerated and defensive acquisitions?
To register for the free-to-view event just go to