#143: In a Grown-Up World, How Should You Discipline People at Work?
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
Today, on the "People Skills" newsletter, we're putting the spotlight on the often difficult topic of discipline at work.
In the past, when there were few legal problems with enforcing discipline, companies and organisations could pretty well do what they wanted and with little recourse.
In the 21st century, that approach is no longer as easy.
However, as shown by many corporate scandals, it is still possible to use forms of discipline to exert control over staff.
So, to help you find a satisfactory path through discipline, here are our set of slides to guide you...
01. Intro to "Routes to Discipline"
Discipline is essential in all organisations where rules, standards and measures of performance have to be followed. However, applying discipline doesn't automatically produce effective discipline...
02. Defining Discipline
The word "discipline" has the same origins as the word "disciple". Just as a disciple follows the teachings of a master, so discipline means following the rules, laws, and procedures in an organisation...
03. Question 01
What is your definition of “discipline”? Share your answer with others...
04. The Aims of Discipline
Like the aims of social laws, there can be a number of different aims in workplace discipline. These include: conformance to rules and agreements, correcting inappropriate behaviour, and punishing wrong-doers...
05. Question 02
Jot down the 5 aims of discipline on a piece of paper and arrange them in order of importance in your team or organisation from 1 to 5.
06. For and Against
There are arguments in favour and against punitive discipline at work. Some argue that discipline is a poor substitute for good people management, sends the wrong signals, and doesn't always work. Others argue that, without discipline, the workplace would be chaotic...
07. Question 03
If you were arguing in favour of discipline, what would be your number one reason? What would it be if you were arguing against?
08. The Contract of Employment
The contract of employment is at the heart of workplace discipline. The contract is the set of explicit and implicit expectations that are agreed between employer and employee...
09. Question 04
Draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left, brainstorm all the contract expectations of an employer; and on the right of an employee.
10. Questions to Consider
There are 3 sets of questions that you need to think about in your approach to discipline: the moral question; the practical question; and the legal question...
11. Question 05
What things should you be aware of when dealing with the moral, practical, and legal implications of discipline?
12. Your Style
There are 3 approaches to discipline: the Theory X Motivation approach, the Theory Y Motivation approach, and the middle ground of talking things out...
13. Question 06
What is your approach to people and discipline? On a line where one end is “Theory X” and the other is Theory Y”, where are you?
14. A Model of Discipline
While every organisation will have its own rules on discipline, most organisations use a progressive approach...
15. Question 07
Jot down the different steps in a progressive model of discipline. Give case studies that you know of for each step from least to most serious.
16. A Final Word
Getting your disciplinary procedures right can be one of the most difficult functions of management. The route to effective discipline will often mean a tortuous journey around the difficulties and traps that lie in your way.
What Next?
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Well done and good luck!