Grown into my growth by Sara Troy
We seem to live our lives by everyone else’s opinions, what you can do should do cannot do, why is that and how do we break that link, how did I break mine?
It has been a lifetime battle with myself on trying to live in the Being that I am and trying to please what everyone else wants from me. No More, for I am a whole Human-Being now living in my own divine purpose doing and being whom I am meant to be.
Growing into charging for my services
I do however find it very interesting that as I have now placed a small monetary value on my services that those who loved being interviewed by me, suddenly won’t pay. My time invested in this work is worth paying for, no apologies there for charging for my services, but why do people treat you one way when it was free and now another that you ask them to pay?
So many shows we have done on our inner abundance in tune with our outer services worth being honoured, even by those who now will not pay, do they know they are now being hypocrites? For 6 years I laid the dollar amount in the hands of those I interviewed and by the listeners with donations, it did not always cover the operations of the network. Now I am charging to be interviewed ($30 US an interview) and have 3 other offerings that support and promote the wonderful work others are doing and I am getting the people who respect my time and what I bring to the table.
Now are doing video as well as audio shows, double the work double the impact.
Be Our Guest interviews are getting booked by people who know the value of my work and the library of wisdom we represent. It is interesting that my Mini-Series program is going over very well and the Show-Case is being booked as we speak. Now with our added Youtube platform, we are giving the listeners even more than we have before. Of course, this is a whole new learning curve for me, video editing uploading, which program is better than others, grey hair making, but so happy I am now on this new journey extending our voice to those that need us.
So you may see some changes in what shows we bring to you and in which way they are brought, but let us embrace what wonderful knowledge we are about to receive in this new chapter of the network and in my own life. At last, I can look to having a more stable life while loving the work I do.
So even though it took me a while to get here, I have grown into my growth organically and in that authenticity embrace where we the network and I are going.