GrowingFREE; Living a SimpleLife
Eric Brown (Author)
Writer/Published Author Specialized Coaching & Counseling for Female Entrepreneurs **Hire Eric for One on One Coaching **Help with Your Transition **Help with Having a GrowingFREE SimpleLife
I received a pretty tart eMail this week, Not sure how I feel about it, sorting it all out, as it rains deep into my soul. My intent is not to be defensive, as I know it to be true, or at least it was true, and some of it likely still is true. Humility and Shame comes to mind. It does bring up the more pressing issues of the work to do around Housing & Small Business,.....Both are complicated, partially or mostly because they require the exchange of Money.
This person strikes out against Entrepreneurship, and I get her point fully, and am rethinking my own relationship with the word, Pride comes to mind. The deeper we go with this work, the more we peel back. Perhaps more important than the words, are the actions, and lifestyle of this work, this life. To that end, I have derailed my Second Act Entrepreneur FaceBook Page to now be Growingfree SimpleLife, as it fits much better to the path I am on Post Retirement. Always know, We get to Change Our Minds, Not because someone slammed You, but because something incongruent jarred loose.
Without a doubt Housing is a broken model, mostly only available to the Rich & Affluent, at least on the surface. There are other ways, but just sort of. Introduce Equality or InEquality and it gets messy fast. As a society, we just do not share well, if at all really. Finding the truth requires three simple questions, and they must be answered in any investigation:
(1) What is the problem?
(2) Why is it a problem?
(3) How do you solve it?
Finding, owning, and living one’s ambition can feel overwhelming. In a world filled with options, we are paralyzed by choices. Or, worse, in so many cases, when we’ve been told our options are limited, we need to have the wherewithal to find our way to more.
Rather than seeking outside expertise on whether we deserve what we want, we must look inward, not simply at our fears—of losing, of not being sufficient—but at the great difference living our ambitions can make if we succeed.
When we win, we achieve beyond ourselves. We become models for others, known and unknown, who see our victories as proof that they can win too. Even by simply embracing ambition, talking about it, trying and failing, we mentor others to see their potential. And by going beyond our own limits, we change the places we inhabit. We bring a fresh perspective to a company or a cause, a minority lens that expands and shifts how the work gets done. This is not news.
Think of the companies scrambling to add women to their executive offices, people of color to their boards of directors. Or the nonprofit that adapts its mission because of the unique understanding it gains from incorporating the experience of those who have been outside.
Need help with these Transitions?
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