“You've got to hustle and sweat blood to get far in life”

“No pain no gain”

These are actually phrases we hear from the gym and that may work there.

These were some of the imprinted beliefs and voices I used to hear in my head many years ago. Have you ever found yourself thinking these thoughts?

When I started to master my thoughts, I started to question them…

 "Were they my original thoughts?"

"Was that my original belief or somebody else’s?

"Is that what i wanted to continue to believe?"

The answers were No, No, No.

We live in a time where setting up and running a business is always described as a “hustle” or a constant struggle through pressure and resistance, forcing, fighting, sacrificing (what you don’t want to).

So I got curious…

Should those beliefs such as "life is a constant hustle" apply when growing your dream business?

As I was reprogramming my mind and rewriting my own script which I was going to live by, installing new beliefs,

HUSTLTING was NOT the way I wanted to see setting and growing my dream coaching business. (And I have "hustled" in other past businesses).

I now knew Life is in flow. And when you are in flow with life, it is NOT a hustle, nor a struggle nor a forced action.

I chose a new belief:

“My business grows with easy and flow”


If you want your small/medium size business to grow with ease and flow?

You must act from a space of inspiration and clarity on your purpose, rather than from a space of forced impression.

Acting from a space of inspiration and clarity on your purpose

  • you speak from your heart,
  • you open up your emotions,
  • Your purpose and mission drive you through
  • Your ideal clients feel you, connect and are naturally attracted to you as you speak directly to their hearts.
  • You mind is clear and clarity flows through you
  • Each choice and decision comes with ease and no resistance.
  • Fear doesn’t exist, only excitement!

Once you come from a space of inspiration, clarity, purpose and mission, you are in alignment with the universe and as you take aligned action, more doors, opportunities and possibilities open up to you with ease and flow.

Acting from a space of forced impression and misalignment,

  • You block the flow of life
  • You find it difficult to come up with ideas.
  • The ideas that do come up seem forced
  • Taking action feels so stressful, forced and overwhelming.
  • You feel tension and disconnected.
  • Everything seems like such a hustle, almost torture.
Challenges may exist, but as I act from inspiration, love what I do and have clarity on who I am serving, my consistent actions cut through them like a bull-dozer because I am much bigger than the obstacles that are put before me.
I know I am on a mission and that is a space of inspiration. I am unstoppable.

I do this with trust, and I am not worried. I stay focused on my mission and the building blocks fall in to place as they should.

So my point is...

It is simply a belief, a mindset, an opinion that you have to sweat blood and hustle like a dead horse if you want to set up or grow your small size business you are passionate about.

This is usually the belief of a misaligned individual.



First, get aligned.

Create your own belief...

"I operate from a space of inspiration, I get shit done in a fun, easy and efficient way."

"Things always fall into place without resistance"

"The Universe is moving worlds to make things happen as they should."

"Opportunities flow into my life, possibilities arise as they should and leverage my impact like never before."

Go away “hustle” come back “Fun!”

Why do some high performers believe that setting and growing a business is a hustle?

LinkedIn Fam! This calls for a discussion. Thoughts please.

Follow me at #VPowerCoach Visit me at: https://www.vpowercoaching.com/ Interested in how coaching can benefit you, book a free session: https://www.vpowercoaching.com/schedule-appointment

Carol Campos

Living by the Platinum Rule | Success & Empowerment Mentor | Belonging Champion | BizCatalyst 360 Columnist | Alchemist

4 年

Veronica Owusu?I think sometimes people associate "being in the flow" with just sitting back and letting things happen.? But it's quite the opposite. When you're in the flow, you WANT to take action. You WANT to work.? It doesn't feel like work because it's inspired and gives you that energizing buzzy feeling.? It's a co-creative experience with the Universe.? Love, LOVE this article! ?

John Lincoln

CEO @ Ignite Visibility - On a mission to help others through digital marketing and use profits to reinvest in client success, employee success and the community.

4 年

Exactly ! Veronica Owusu

Kimberly Hambrick

Helping Professionals With A Proven System to Minimize Risks | Executive Director | Certified Coach | Teacher | Trainer | Speaker | Podcaster

4 年

Love this perspective. Thank you for flipping our thoughts.

Andrew Richards CPCC, PCC

A Leading Executive Transition Coach | Coach Educator | Lake swimming, Deerhound loving dad of 4

4 年

I have never liked 'hustle' or 'crushing it'. Maybe it's a being British! Give me Flow and Brilliance any day Veronica

Hamza Faraj

Entrepreneur | LinkedInLocal | ? | AIESEC | Personal Development | HR | Accounting | Project | Administrator | Coordinator | Polyglot | ESG UQAM ?? | Bujinkan ?????? (武神館忍術) | Author | Import-Export

4 年

There wouldn't me much point to pursue it if it was such a drag. Meda wo ase Veronica Owusu


