Growing up can be tough, no denying that. It's not easy, and we often simplify it by sticking to what we know, avoiding change. Lately, I've been taking a good look at myself and my surroundings, about a year and a half's worth of reflection.
Life throws challenges at us, no matter our background – rich, poor, married, or single. It's a struggle for every breathing being, and the key is making it beautiful through our words and actions.
Since my school days, I've heard that honesty is the best policy. However, not many practice it, probably because we rarely see it in action around us. Take a look at your surroundings, and you'll notice people going to great lengths for their convenience. "Honestly" seems to have lost some of its value – it doesn't pack the punch it should.
We've been taught to be nice, humble, and kind, but being truly honest has become a challenge. It's time we all focus on the "HOW" of everything.
How can people communicate without losing their minds, tone, or getting frustrated? How can we express ourselves without crossing personal boundaries? It might be beneficial for educational institutions to include practical communication training modules.
Understanding how to make our words acceptable and presenting our opinions with respect and dignity is crucial. Moreover, knowing how to take accountability gracefully without turning "take it lightly" into breaking even the smallest rules is essential.
If we aim to be a "Developed Nation," collective efforts are required to evolve our minds with age. That's what growing up is truly about – answering the question of "How?" Because how we say it impacts the lives of all beings.
#whoweworkwithmatters #howyousayitimpactlives