Growing Through Life
Special Edition - Sneak Peek into F*ck This concept of empowerment of change.
Hey there,
I am assuming that if you are reading my work, you are interested in personal growth and living life on your terms?—?the foundation of why I created Possibility in Action?. My mission is dead simple: to empower people to remove the unnecessary, shift their identity, dismantle limiting beliefs, and strengthen their mindset to intentionally rewrite their life narrative. Enjoy today’s newsletter.
There is no later in crafting your life.
“Robert, what are you doing? You are going to destroy your brand!”
Yes, that was the feedback I received when asking for input about what I want to highlight.
Well, thanks for the concern, but listen – I want to know when death comes a-knocking that I expressed in every form possible that this life is ours for the molding. That we are the damned artisans and if I could do it, so can anyone else. The thing is it was not always a nice experience. I am a bit tired of the cancel culture and that we have to shy away from tough conversations. I rather be raw and direct. So, if that is intriguing, read on. Also, at the end you will find my personal mantra.
Look, the personal growth industry isn't saying anything inherently new and innovative. Okay, sure, there might be new hacks and assessments, but honestly, if you look back over history, we're just vomiting up the same crap in new packaging. There's nothing wrong with that; I applaud it. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has helped millions of people and is based on Stoicism. Fantastic! If we can continue to help people, we must do it, but something seems amiss.
Despite the tremendous rise in accessibility to personal growth tools and use, many more people feel lost, dissatisfied, depressed, and just over all frustrated than ever before.
Shockingly, more than 50,000 Americans died by suicide in 2023 – more than any year on record. And let’s call it out – according to the most recent data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the suicide rate among males is approximately four times higher than the rate among females, with males making up nearly 80% of suicides in the United States.
Would you agree that something seems a bit off?
So, if the keys to unlocking our potential and transforming our lives are readily available, why do so many of us struggle to put them into practice? Why is it so damn hard to master this stuff and make meaningful changes in our lives?
The standard answer is it's challenging to act because change often requires confronting deeply ingrained habits, stepping outside of our comfort zones, and facing fears of failure or rejection.
Additionally, it’s argued that our brains are wired to resist change and prioritize efficiency, making it difficult to break free from familiar patterns.
Yes, that is all true, but I feel there is something missing. As an industry there is less talk about how hard it is going to be. Discomfort is not a great selling point. Best to show rainbows, unicorns, six-pack abs, and talk about achieving an Instagram life.
Yet, I’m a realist, I can’t help it.
Change is not easy. It creates a total disruption of everything. It washes over every facet of our lives. Sometimes creating a wash-out. I think that is where it all falls short. We are not acknowledging the suck factor. Yes, it is rewarding, but it’s work. It is super rewarding; I walked and walk the path every day, but it is also damned hard work and sucks at times.
Personal growth involves introspection and self-awareness, which can be uncomfortable and confrontational. Moreover, applying these concepts consistently in our lives requires ongoing effort and discipline, making it a continuous learning process. And there it is – personal growth is a lifestyle.
A lifestyle is not a destination – that’s the second place where I think personal growth has become misunderstood. It fails to communicate that it’s never ending. It lacks the concept of a life journey. Personal growth has become more transactional instead of something ritualistic.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is one of the most talked about “books” in personal growth – quoted often, but we ignore that the guy was journaling every day. He questioned, he felt uncomfortable, he challenged his thinking, he felt inferior at times, he wanted to grow, he wanted to know more about himself. It never ended.
Now, oh please, before the comments start – I am not poo-pooing anything here, I am just saying I see a mismatch. I see the space for something rawer.
What I am saying is that my life experience has taught me that it’s about growing through life – not getting through life.
Sh*t is going to fall in our lap and some of us rub our face in it, pick it up and get to work. We meet life where it is - that is the only point from which we can enact change. The F*ck This mindset is not for the potpourri type people who try to avoid the stink and put it off until later. News alert: there is no later in crafting your life.
What is It?
See, I believe in intentional disruptors to habitual thinking. I’ve had those people in my life who called out the bullsh*t when they saw it. It was powerful and I want to step into that sandbox and invite those who want to get their hands dirty.
A place to:
Realize we might die before getting to our goal, but at least we were out there building. Think Gaudí and La Sagrada Família
And I believe the use of intentionally raw, rough, unfiltered language can be a disruptor for habitual thinking and spark neuroplasticity. I know, it is frowned upon today. Well, for some of us that is the way we do things, and it does not make it wrong.
Yup, that’s right – it’s said when we encounter language or stimuli that are emotionally charged or provocative, it can stimulate the brain in ways that promote neuroplasticity by,
Therefore, why not harness strong language used intentionally, in a safe space, as a disruptor for habitual thinking to do just that?
That’s what my new newsletter is all about.
F*CK THIS is an experience blending a weekly newsletter and monthly live guidance sessions, equipping you to take charge of your life narrative. Just $9 monthly or $87 annually.
See Possibility in Action? is the lifestyle – F*ck This is a mindset that helps you achieve it.
Now, if any of this resonates with you, first, join the newsletter.
Second, print out the personal mantra below, which I created years ago. Place it somewhere that you can reflect upon it every morning and evening.
Why use the mantra?
Because we have practiced ourselves and our lived experience into existence. What I mean by that is we are adaptive as a species. Therefore, if we are not consciously and intentionally showing up as who we understand ourselves to be and want to be - well, the “outside” has made the decision for us. That is what I mean about “conformity” in my work.
By embracing the F*ck This mindset, individuals prioritize their own self-worth and agency, empowering themselves to rewrite their own story and pursue their own path with courage and conviction. It's a powerful act of self-assertion and self-determination that ultimately leads to greater fulfillment, authenticity, and personal growth.
“Dare to dance on the edge of possibility.”
The community kicks off with actionable content March 15, 2024.
F*ck This Activation
F*ck This – it’s time to turn the page.
Sign up here to stay informed about upcoming workshops.
You can also visit my website if you would like to learn more about me, my philosophy of Possibility in Action?, and find free resources. Also, check out my YouTube channel for my musing thoughts. #possibilityinaction
Independent Consultant for the Alternative Industry
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