Growing The Sponsorship Industry

Growing The Sponsorship Industry

By Jake Spiak, Director of Marketing & Growth, IEG?

After more than a decade of sports property partnership sales, I have recently joined one of the most respected organizations in the sponsorship industry – IEG as Director of Marketing and Growth. During my career, I have learned that building successful commercial partnerships isn’t easy, and having the right tools, training and resources is essential. I am excited about this career opportunity that allows me to get data-backed strategic insights to those on the front lines of a changing sponsorship landscape.?

I have been in countless meetings where the monetary value of assets is discussed. But saying an asset is worth a certain amount of money is not enough. Why is it worth it? When selling sponsorship, you need to make sure what you offer is not only priced correctly but that you can articulate the value proposition, have the data to back that up and the insights to answer questions.?

One of the things that drew me to IEG is that it doesn’t rely solely on advertising metrics. We assemble useful data and narratives into a sponsorship story versus hurling out numbers without practical application. IEG’s actionable consultative products and services cut through an otherwise crowded space of data and analytics.?

Secondly, IEG presents an impartial voice in the sponsorship space by providing strategic consultation while not getting involved in property sales for a commission. With IEG, you get the same Valuation Next data and insights regardless of what side of the deal you represent. We are an independent voice with no motivation to inflate or deflate trusted, market-based outcomes.?

I am excited about this opportunity to work with both properties and brands inside sports and entertainment, expanding on the experience that I have already gained working in the evolving and increasingly creative sponsorship industry. The services provided by IEG have never been more important and relevant for properties and brands across the spectrum of sponsorship, from the up-and-comers to the firmly established sponsors and properties.?

Can IEG help your organization? You can contact me via email at [email protected] to learn more.??




