From infancy the brain of a one year old baby is compared to a plain white paper with nothing on it ,of course with strong regard to knowledge. As we grow we learn a lot of new strange things.The air,light,water,fire you name it.....babies are always fascinated by anything strange and new to them.
With that in mind our new engineers from vocational training institutes,colleges and universities come into the industry more like babies.A baby has the reflex program installed by default from God.we see that as they make moves and cry those actions are in belt from God. Likewise our engineers come with theoretical knowledge from their respective schools and when they are finally in the industry the have to learn the new things in a practical and physical way.
Hence its everyone responsibility to groom the newbie into productive reliable engineers.this may sound cony but this struggle i see it everyday,after years of having reliable labor in any industry that workforce ages and retire but we keep pushing off and neglecting the new comers in the game.People get old and die that valuable knowledge you have inculcate that experience in someone new after some years that person will share it to another.
we grown and move on with life let us grow seeing our impact of knowledge in someone else and brag majestically to say i groomed that boy or girl out of love for the industry.
just my thought.