Growing is a pain
With all of the various business experiences I have had, I have always been a little over ambitious. This is probably why sometimes it can go a little wrong. I am comfortable to admit that I make mistakes (some bigger than others) and I truly believe that there is often a lot to be learned from mistakes.... particularly how not to make them again!
I like my businesses to grow and i always want to have the biggest and the best and this often means taking risks. Underdstanding when to invest, when to take a risk and when you need to say thats not for me is an important lesson for every business.
I have been speaking to a business owner recently who has set a goal to grow their business. Their issue was not in sales or marketing but seemed to come in issues with staff. This is not to say his staff were incapable but more that they werent really able to take on the roles he needed them to take on. Putting someone in to a management position when its not in their skill set or they have no experience in the role can sometimes go wrong. After learning this the hard way he decided growing was to hard and gave up. At this point i would have tried another direction but i understand why he changed his mind. I have other clients that don’t want to put the work in or the money simply isn’t there to reinvest. The issues are endless and the only way to get rid of the issues is to plan ahead.
Growth takes planning and strategy. If you can understand what you want to achieve and how you are going to get there you can create a roadmap and understand where the investment comes in, for example, what you need to sell, who you need to help you grow etc. Once your plan is in place you can then work out the money that is needed to do this.
So many people use the formula 1 person = £100 2 people = £200 at 30% profit thats £60 so i just need 2 people. The issue you get is that someone needs to manage these people which brings your cost up and then your profit margin on £100 is not so high and your price goes up. This means you need to spend more time getting in work which means again your cost goes up. You have more admin to do and so you need to work out how you do this and all of a sudden you have 2 people doing the amount of work 1 person can do and you have no profit so you believe it is not profitable and so quit and go back to 1 person.
This is not necessarily the answer and instead you could look at upping your prices, ensure you understand your process and work very very hard. The more people you get in from this point makes it a little easier but the pain will be that as you grow the money you take home may take a hit. But its a long game and from here you can start to add people and you can grow. The first person you bring on is always the hardest. Every time you get to a critical mass you will need to start again by bringing in more people who cost money to help the people who earn the money for your business.
Its the whole baby principle. 1 baby is easy, 2 is ok but the more you get the harder it all becomes and the effort and time becomes more. I hear so many people say its easier because kid 1 helps with kid 2 and 3. This is the same In business. If you can get the right management team then you can manage people better. This again comes at cost but a management team are not fee earning so others need to earn that money.
This is why it is so hard to grow and what you need to understand as you take on this huge mountain that is 'growing a business'.
Trust me when i say, if you are looking to grow, only paying for your self will seem like a walk in the park. However, having the right business plan with the right staff at the right time can really pay off in the long term.