Growing a Dream Team from the Ground Up
Mary Ann Hauser
Managing Partner/CEO @ Serendipidty ActionCOACH of Central NC | Forbes Coaches Council Member
Until business owners acknowledge their accountability for the teams they create,
progress will be stalled and employees will be stifled. But once an employer is ready to
accept responsibility for getting the kinds of people that he or she desires, it is possible
to begin the process of building a dream team that matches the plan and model of a
dream business.
The first step in this process is to understand the meaning and importance of a
good team. Business author and entrepreneur Bradley Sugars uses a handy acronym
to sum up the value of teamwork. He states that, “T.E.A.M means that Together
Everyone Achieves More.” The difference between a mediocre team and a stellar team
is often in the details, and those seemingly small or insignificant details are not to
be minimized or discounted. Otherwise, owners can wind up underestimating and
devaluing their own business and its profits. The building blocks of the company
team are, in other words, also the foundation and the core of the business model.
Flawed or ineffective teamwork is frequently a symptom and expression of a business
vision that needs to be refined, reworked, and updated. We only get what we deserve,
and by looking to the heart of the problem and revamping the organization from the
ground up, it results in the entire organism – the business, each part of its team, and
the client and customer base – to flourish, grow, and thrive.