The Growing Business of Education
The Growing Business of Education
Once upon a time, fresh pure drinking water was plentiful and available at no cost to anyone. Slowly over time, that fresh free drinking water ever so slowly started to become polluted and contaminated by growing industry and loose regulations, not to mention political interest groups that began turning their heads in the name of greed. As that clean pure drinking water began to become scarce, that was the in for capitalization of the bottled water industry. This is metaphoric on so many levels for the field of public education today as we know it or at least the way we used to know it at its genesis.
Public Education was born as a form of free pure flowing knowledge to all. The same way that we should all be entitled to free pure drinking water, unpolluted by industry in the name of greed and politically corrupted lobby groups. The standard should be the same for public education. As public education is slowly, but rapidly being infiltrated by profit margins, and loose regulation, it too is slowly becoming a scarcity. Candidly speaking, No Child Left Behind, (NCLB) was born with good intentions just like the clean pure free flowing rivers that many rely on, but has too many loopholes for profiteers to rob federal money from the public education sector.
The education sector needs to have educators at the helm whose intentions are pure running the show, not a business man or woman who dose not belong there unless their intentions are to begin the demise of public education as we once knew it. If we really want to see America "Great Again", then we need to put all of the proper resources into place it instead of tearing it apart.
Agreed in genre, number and form! Now the question should be ... How can we make this become a reality?
Professional Developer at Learning Sciences International
8 年You have such amazing insights and I feel blessed that I had the chance to work with an amazing educator such as yourself!