Growing and Building Together

Growing and Building Together

No kidding, this year has given me a lifetime worth of lessons learnt!

It has been testing my health, boundaries, relationships, values and purpose. And yet some of the darkest lows have been followed by the most giddy highs. 2021 really have managed to skilfully pack its whole theme park experience in one long-ass rollercoaster.?

And yet, here I am writing this feeling more hopeful, empowered, inspired and energised than ever!?

One of the most powerful and profound experiences has been surrendering to the uncomfortable journey of growth.

Growth is something that is being talked about a lot. How integral it is to success, leadership and for our collective advancement as a humanity. However, not many are open to willingly go through the process. It is easier to patch the process with some one-off activities, or better - outsource it.?

Over the past 18 months I have been walking in and out of organisations facilitating their Culture and DEI Transformation journeys. I witnessed the craving and urge for results, success, recognition, and yet resistance to change, growth and ultimately progress. There were many reasons for that, from the degree of executive commitment and accountability to the work, to the behaviours leaders and managers were modelling, down to the level of competence and confidence people who were driving this work, mostly HR and DEI teams, had.?

This made me wonder, how can I stand in this gap and bridge the island of aspiration and the island of the reality as it is today? How can I create a safe space for my DEI and HR colleagues to learn, grow and build together? How can we collectively set the tone and standards for the Culture and DEI work?

And so, Kopa [?kuō.pa] was born.?

Kopa is a Latvian word for “tribe”, “collective” or “community”.

It is a fairly ancient word that you won’t necessarily hear in everyday language, however it has a real profound meaning and a beautiful sentiment to it.?

And that sense of community, support network, safe space to grow and then level up the spaces we occupy, is what I want to create within Kopa and through those ripples in the water, in the professional environment and a whole.

Kopa is an ecosystem that consists of two key elements - 12-week DEI Accelerator programme and DEI Community.

The purpose of Kopa is to bring together DEI advocates and practitioners to elevate our collective DEI competence and confidence, so that we can build successful, sustainable and impactful businesses that are built on the foundations of Inclusivity, Equity and Justice.?

Pretty exciting isn’t it??

I would love for you to be part of it, and you can do it three ways:

  1. Subscribe to this newsletter as full details of the DEI Accelerator and Community will drop next week.
  2. Join me on two LinkedIn Live sessions on 9th and 17th December 12pm GMT.
  3. Book a discovery call with me to secure your seat in the Accelerator. (The first 10 members will receive a 50% discount and a full year’s community membership!)

Thank you for sticking around, for you support and energy. I am excited to build and grow together!

See you on the bright side!

Baiba ??


