Grow Your Site in less than 90 Days.
In 84 Days my Blog went from 0 to a DA-8 and PA-21 with a MOZ trust of 2 out of 10! All just by using KEYWORDS. SEO for Websites.
In this do it yourself guide to SEO for Websites I'm going to help grow your traffic in under 90 days. Also being able to create an authoritative website that will create passive income for years. This site did not exist and before 90 days has the ability to generate organic traffic. You too can create good starting base for your business.
As you can see below.
Local SEO for Websites
I enjoy the challenge of creating SEO for Websites, local SEO for Lawyers (other business too). Something about the challenge in being a SEO Company in Denver excited me. I found that this market was over-saturated and filled with awful black hat techniques.
After doing some research I seen that many Denver SEO agencies for Personal Injury Lawyers were filling their sites with redundant keywords and PBN blog post. The SEO sites were filled with sales pitches almost a tiring as Law Firm commercials without beneficial information being provided.
This is not how I got started. I have always enjoyed creating websites for my friends for their local businesses. I have always put in the time and the effort to create something tangible knowing that this was their future passion.
Now lets talk about how to create web authority basically out of thin air. I do want to share that this is not for everyone and this is definitely the long game.
Get ahead and generate your own income LOSTnLOVEco Sponsored
Starting from nothing.
Many people may already have a website. You can use this information to either fix or create a winning formula from the get-go.
Find your Topic
The first thing you want to keep as your main focus when beginning is who is your target audience. What do you want to spend all your time talking about? Is there a subject that doesn't bore you, even if it does everyone else. Inside your topic it will contain Keywords.
Meaning what are the keywords you are going to base your website on.
Imagine your Keywords as the website itself. Keywords are words the most commonly used words in your niche or topic. They are words that will always be repeated when talking about a particular subject
For Websites the words: Lawyer, Trial, Injury, Divorce and Custody may be words that are most used.
If you are selling bicycles words like: Bike, Wheels, Pedals, Ten Speed, etc will be of focus.
Take the time to brainstorm. Make sure you focus on end-user words not the in-house jargon. Read some reviews, articles, take polls, listen to the people who need your services. What words are they using and How are the expressing them? Things as simple as the intensity of the way a word is used can be an indicator of a great topic.
Sometimes we are so caught up with our own day-to-day operation of our business that we just don't have the time to think about these things. That is what we do, we find what's important to your customer to get them to your door.
Finding the right Website Keywords can definitely be challenging, but this is something that does not have to be rushed. Your success is in good planning. Not great execution of poor planning. No need to spend months even years cleaning up a mess.
Gather 50 Keywords
Now, once you have a solid base of chosen words that your potential clients use when in need of your service. You need to group them together. There is more SEO that happens off-site than on-site.
Make sure you have at least 50 Keywords to start with. This will give you a good basis on what your site and topics will be about. Your Content is going to grow organically and spread out so that small number of keywords will get larger on their own. Of course you can add more as you expand on topics.
This site started with less than that, but 50 is a good SEO start. Below is a pic of the keyword growth in under 90 days for my blog. Our keyword was approx 15 and the keywords grew to 131 in the US alone. (we did help with some more content)
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Keywords Create Questions
Once you have you Keywords Chosen Find the words most important to you and your audience. This is the internet and people don't have time to figure out what you are trying to say. So it's important to be clear and concise.
Then take these words and create questions around your key words. you can use sources like answer the public or quora has commonly asked questions. You really want to dig in here and find some always asked questions and even some 1 off questions that take an authoritative resource to answer.
I like answer the public since it give you some many different variations of questions to answer.
Answer like a Champ
This is your time to shine just like and interview give the answer in a STAR format. You have to keep in mind that your answers are going to decide your work. If you have a bad job interview, you don't get the job. This goes the same for bringing relevance to you and your topic of choice.
When answering your question make sure to give them everything that your readers will need to know. Don't just answer that question but answer the follow-up questions to. This will help ensure that your reader will not need to go anywhere else. After all that is the goal when generating traffic that pays and being resourceful.
Headers builds your Websites SEO and Helps your Readers
Headers do many things for your websites content and your posts, Headers are important because they create a clear path for the reader, helps break up long in-depth content and communicates to google. We will quickly break down all three
Kewwyrd Headers for Google,
In SEO a header is like taking a highlighter and marking important segments of content. Just like when you are skimming thru for information and highlighting important points for yourself. This is what google does when it crawls your page.
Except google doesn’t highlight what they think is important, you do. This is done by using headers shown: H1, H2, H3, and so on. H1 is used to highlight the most important information on your page. H2 is the second most important information on your page and so on. Normally H1 is your title and H2 are supporting points.
When done correctly google will understand what your main topic is and the points that you are using to support your main topic. This enable google to put your page in front of users who are looking for the information you are providing.
Keyword Headers for Topics (break up information)
Let’s face-it, unless your actually love reading, you need to have your information easily broken up to better retain what is being provided. Most people are using mobile devices when searching for content. So breaking up the content so it's easily read and not in on big chunk.
As you can see, this is not only unpleasant to look at but very difficult and hard on the eyes to read. You have to make it easy to read and to understand the message you are delivering. It will not only tell google but make information more readable.
As you can see this is alot more pleasant and with the headers in place you an google can easily see what are the importnat topics.
Creating a Clear Path with Headers
SEO is not only about Headers and ranking, but it's about creating a clear path for your readers. Many times when we use google to search for things we don’t want long in-depth articles we are looking for a quick and simple answer.
Headers allow the readers to skim your page and get the information they need. Of Course, you want people to stay on your site as long as possible and just hang out. The truth is most readers do not care about you or your site. They are here to gather information and really could care less about the person providing it.
So if you have a site that is hard to find information the user is not only going to leave your site quickly. They are more likely to not return after leaving your site. Now, if you have site or page where they can gather information quickly they still may leave but more chance of them coming back because it was helpful.
Deliver Real Usable Content
Many SEO companies will create Keyword Stuffed Spun Articles, even-though this may give you a link it does nothing for your real reputation. I have spent years perfecting the creation of Good or Great SEO Content Writing. (I say good or great because nobody is perfect. There always comes a time when you need to re-write for better delivery. We will discuss that another time) There is no match or link that's more powerful than delivering sought after information that people want, need, and share.
Delivery in an Easy Format
The next part takes a little more knowledge of SEO than your average. this part entails where you put all this information. Google and other search engines whole purpose is to delivery the most accurate and wanted information to it's user.
This is why so many SEO campaigns end in ruins. This is also the reason I chose SEO for the most competitive field out there. hundreds of thousands of local dollars are spent on SEO for Websites and from my backlink research it's mainly spent on DA-1 links
Links that are Stuffed Header tags, Alt tags and Meta Data Descriptions. Placing bad content and links in the middle of nowhere does not solve your issue. It makes SEO $$$.. Only because your going to need to come back since your win was so short-lived.
SEO is Knowing the Algorithm.
Although no-one will know the algorithm exactly it's our job to know more than you. Google's already told us they?update their search algorithm about 500-600 times per year. It takes a dedicated and knowledgeable team to keep up with ongoing changes. Our focus to be a Google Certified Partner, we align ourselves with Google. So we can adapt to any new changes.
With this Strategy we can create evergreen content pages and spend our time on the upkeep of these pages.
Denver Tech Center SEO
Here our actual focus is not to just give you some pitch as to what your problem is and then say chose me because I'm the best since I said so. I see too many Law Firms and SEO Web Campaigns following this. SEO for Websites is our passion, something I enjoyed since helping friends out in school.
I would like to challenge you to go to any Local SEO for Lawyers and just read. Look at the information they put out about SEO, it's a indication of what you can expect on your site. Ask yourself did I just read an entire sales pitch or did I walk away with something helpful.
Almost all of us can pick expensive themes and take some office shirt and tie photos. Your choice in who you communicate to and how you do it is going to be the ultimate factor.
These steps here are going to give you the highest chance for success. Correct a perfectly laid out article doesn't guarantee traffic. There are some more areas that need to be added into the equation. For generating traffic for your articles check out getting free traffic.
If you have any question that you want some answers leave a comment and subscribe. Also if this information was helpful I'd like to know. We will be giving some free website consultations, so now is your chance to get professional help free, just by subscribing and leaving a comment.