Grow Your Readers with Exceptional Blog Titles
Fee O'Shea
Writing vegan blogs is my specialty. If you struggle to keep your business website current I can help by writing powerful content showcasing your brand and message.
The whole point of your blog title is to attract readers. So you want to create the best blog title that will encourage people to click through and help you grow your base.
Some titles are better than others, that’s a given. You won’t succeed every time. However, you can give yourself a fighting chance if you simply put a couple of things in place.
?I’ve talked about blog titles before in a previous post – How to Pick a Great Blog Title and I suggest you go through and have a read of that post if you haven’t already.
If you put what you learn from that post and the suggestions in this one, you’ll be really humming.
I’m going to give you another 5 ideas which, if you can add, will make 10 altogether. You should be able to nail your blog title with all these, surely!?
1. Use superlatives. Adding positive words like ‘best’ ‘easy’ or one of the many others will add appeal. Wouldn’t you rather open the post that says ‘Easy way to ....’ rather than ‘Way to ....’ I know I would.
2. Ask a Question. If you can get your reader to nod while reading the title then you have got it right. ‘Do you want...’ is always an excellent starter. Your title needs to find what your reader is struggling with and tell them you can fix it.
3. Use power words. You can find a list on Google. These are words like ‘valuable’ ‘how to’ ‘innovative’ ‘reliable’ and a host of others. Use these instead of the superlative.
4. Talk to your reader. When you bring in words such as ‘you’ or ‘your’ it is as if you have singled out that one person. This works well with a post where you’re wanting the reader to take action. ‘Just for you...’ or ‘Grow your readers...’
5. Odd numbers. This one has been proven. Odd numbers work better than even ones. So if your title has a number in it, make sure it is an odd one.?
I trust these tips will help you with your blog title. It, along with your metadata, is the most important part of the post.
Because when someone searches for a particular subject they want to learn/read about, they don’t normally click on the first one that appears. In fact, most times they will scroll around to find the title and wee paragraph (metadata) that gels with them.
If you struggle to get your message out there, I can help by writing powerful content to showcase your business to more people.
Go to my services HERE to find out more.