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"Of the 14,000 people in the Netherlands diagnosed with lung cancer each year, a small portion has a rare form called neuroendocrine lung cancer, which can manifest in four different ways. One type grows slowly and has a lower chance of metastases after surgery, in another it’s the other way around. In some, a small procedure and fewer check-ups afterwards may suffice or a different form of chemotherapy may be better suited. The problem is that distinguishing between these four variants is sometimes difficult for pathologists. The research projects I am involved in, alongside my work as a resident pulmonologist, revolve around how to better distinguish these different types and how to treat them best. Each type of tumour has unique molecules. We searched for such molecules in recent years and, among other things, developed a method that makes different molecules visible in different colours under the microscope. This allows pathologists to find out more information about the tumour and to better determine the type of tumour and the best treatment options. For this research, I cooperate a lot with groups of scientists at home and abroad. That is where my strength lies. Even though you already have busy working weeks as a doctor, a strong fire burns within me for doing research. Many choices we make in the hospital are not yet sufficiently supported by scientific research. It would be great if we could take a step forward for this rare form of lung cancer."

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"People who have, or have had, colon cancer can often be very tired for years and suffer from tingling fingers and feet. This has a big impact on their perceived quality of life. Lifestyle advice on how to achieve the best quality of life is actually based on general advice on how to prevent colon cancer. I have spent the past four years doing PhD research in Maastricht on what advice might be important for survivors. Up to two years after the diagnosis, I followed people with questionnaires about their lifestyle and their functioning in physical and social areas. How does someone rate his or her quality of life? Does someone need to stay in bed or in a chair during the day? That's how you try to get a view of their quality of life and how they experience it themselves. Of course, this is somewhat subjective, because everyone looks at life differently. But, precisely that personal experience is what’s important. In general, I was very impressed by people's resilience and their focus on what they still can do. This is one of the first studies worldwide to follow this group for two years after diagnosis, looking broadly at all aspects of lifestyle with quality of life. Ultimately, further research should lead to highly targeted recommendations on how people can modify their lifestyle, thereby experiencing more control and a better quality of life."

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"The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma (BCC). This type generally grows slowly and is rarely fatal, but it’s important to treat it promptly and appropriately. Usually this is done through surgery, but sometimes this is not possible, or the patient prefers not to undergo surgery. For example in cases of large skin tumours, or if there are a great many spots. Alternatives are mainly a cream, or systemic therapy for example in the form of pills. But, in some of these patients this treatment does not work. If the treatment also leads to severe side effects, such as loss of taste, muscle spasms or significant weight loss, it’s of course very unpleasant for the patient. Our research group wants to unravel how BCCs come about and find possible leads for additional treatments. I am mainly looking for a genetic component in such a tumour, which could possibly explain why a treatment won’t work. My clinical colleagues investigate different treatment options and existing drugs that might be useful for this patient group. Research is always teamwork: alone you don't get very far in science. We already know a lot, but there’s also a lot we don't know yet. If we understand better why a treatment won’t work, we will hopefully have more or better treatment options in the future for people who are not helped by systemic therapy or creams for this type of skin cancer. Ultimately, I hope this will improve patient care."

??????????: https://www.mumc.nl/actueel/onze-verhalen/maastrichtse-kankeronderzoekers-aan-het-woord

Jules Derks | Marike van Gisbergen?, PhD | Marlou-Floor Kenkhuis | Maastricht UMC+ | #maastrichtumc #mumc #GROWmaastricht #worldcancerreserchday #cancerresearch #oncologie #kankeronderzoek #dikkedarmkanker #huidkanker #longkanker #mccc #maastrichtuniversity #maastricht #zuidlimburg


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