Do you find yourself getting up in the morning and asking yourself:
-How do I get ahead?
-What should I be focusing on?
-How do I create value?
-Where do I belong in the market?
-Who is my dream client / tribe?
Then this confusion leads to you thinking there’s something wrong with you. Which then stops you from actually perceiving the VALUE you provide to other people and ultimately the world.
You don’t see yourself as a PRIZE…..
You then stick to the safe zone and don’t fully step into the learning journey you’ve got to go on to put yourself out there at the level you have to. I know you have BIG dreams / visions to be making a big impact.
How can this happen if you’re not being proactive…?
How do I know this….?
I’ve been there, especially at the level you’re experiencing it right now. Level ONE / TWO of growth….
The cold hard transparent truth is, this resistance never goes away and I still experience it to this day with the new tasks and learnings I am currently undertaking. But it’s about leaning in….
And you’ve got to have a system for it DAILY….
If you’re not becoming AWARE everyday of where you need support and what’s making you feel uncomfortable - you’re WINGING it. Stop it, and get a DAILY practice in place where you’re bring awareness.
Here’s what I want you to consider today:
-Do you have a daily awareness practice in place?
-Are you putting yourself out there with intent via content (it doesn’t have to be ALL yours)
-Do you understand your target market with GREAT detail?
-Are you hanging out where they hang out?
-Are you leading a quality community?
-Are you growing your audience daily / weekly?
-Are you staying TOP of mind with your prospects?
-Are you systematically leading them to take the next step?
-Are you organised months in advance?
-Are you being consistent enough to get consistent results?
-Do you have systems & habits drilled in?
Probably feeling overwhelmed reading that right? It’s actually not that hard, it’s just your resistance and rational thought about it that’s creating this perception.
Let GO of the BS inside that’s not serving you and choose to step up to the next level. It’s ONE decision away my friend….
MAKE the choice today….?
And GO get your dreams….?
One of the big problems I faced was DREAMING too much and not DOING. Dreaming without DOING is insane - those dreams will stay dreams if you don’t DO.
BE the change and choose to lead by example….
I know the path you want to go down and that equals more FREEDOM…
That freedom will come when you structure your days, weekly, months with organic systems, structure and habits in place in your lead generation and default calendar.
Are you ready to PUT in the work that you’re future self will thank you for?
It’s time you started getting ahead and optimised your current business model / systems to create more income and freedom while you plan your next move in your business.
That could be adding an online platform to your current business or completely making the transition online - which one is for you?
Either way, the goal is more freedom….
What do you want to see now?
It’s time you stopped winging it - so many people out there preaching about just sharing content etc. If there’s no system behind it, it will take AGES to gain momentum.
STOP winging it and come learn how to implement a system for your marketing, as well as learning how to DIAL in your REAL problems as stated above.
Drop me a message now my friend, I am still taking people for my BETA lead generation programme that comes with a NO-BRAINER offer….
The price will be doubling very soon :) As the ROI over the next 5 years from implementing this is NUTS. Or, if you’re looking to absorb more content, drop me a message in Facebook - I have a video training which will help you LOADS.
Either way I want to help you - FREE or PAID :) - It’s my MISSION….
But I invite you to be in now with the BETA programme buddy - as I am going to guarantee your results too and give you a load of EPIC bonuses.
Want to know more….?
You know what to do :) Speak soon,
Scott :)