Grow and Go!
Chief Bob Vásquez
Wisdom Seeker, Igniter, Storyteller, Author, Speaker, Founder at PowerPact Leadership!
Albert Einstein said that “Once you stop learning, you start dying.” I’m what I call a serendipitous learner. That is, I learn things I never intended to learn from people and events I didn’t intend to learn from. Learning truly is one of my most favorite pastimes.
I enjoy reading. In fact, I read, on average, about fifty books per year. And I read about all sorts of subjects. As I mentor followers on the topics of character and leadership, I try to connect what I learn to those subjects. I sometimes make interesting connections between things that may seem unconnected.???
I know you’ve heard that the brain is like any muscle, if you don’t exercise it, it will atrophy. I watch videos while I ride a stationary bicycle three times a week. I’ve learned some very cool things from those videos. Did you know that the Egyptians (and my people, the Toltecs) believe that a person will live eternally as long as someone continues to say their name? Please say my name after I’m gone.
I live up in the mountains, at about 7500 feet. Huge pine and aspen trees surround my home that I call Caribou. I had a river installed in the backyard as my 40th wedding anniversary gift to Deb a few years ago. It was HER idea, really it was. It’s actually a waterfall, but it’s about 16 feet long and takes up half the back yard so it might as well be a river. I enjoy sitting by it, just listening to the soothing sound the running water and rocks make. Tranquility and serenity are good for me. They calm me down and redirect my purpose. They enhance my spiritual growth.?
One of the blessings we all should enjoy but, often take for granted, is the people we work and live with. I have five granddaughters and a grandson to learn from, whether I like it or not! You know what I mean if you have little ones. They’re amazing and they know so much. I constantly wonder where they pick up their thoughts because they’re often profound. I remember asking my first granddaughter, Nieves, who was about five at the time, why she did a particular thing. I’ll never forget the almost puzzled look on her face as she replied, “Because YOU do, Opa!” I pondered that answer for a long time. I’m still intentional about what I do around all my grandkids.
The purpose of growing intellectually and spiritually isn’t to collect as much as you can, to have more knowledge than anyone else. Imagine being the smartest guy in the world, but no one knows it. And no one gaining from your expertise or experience.
The Effective PowerPact Leader’s purpose in increasing his or her mental capacity is to grow and go. You’ve, surely, heard the adage that knowledge is power. That’s stupid. Knowledge itself doesn’t care. It can’t. SHARED knowledge, APPLIED knowledge is power. When you help someone empower themselves to be better, that’s real power! And you can’t wait for someone to come to you to share what you have. You have to go find them! Daily!
I suspect that we all have a favorite teacher whom we’ll remember forever. Maybe we’ll even say their name now and then. I had two. One was the consummate teacher. He invited me to see something new in everything, often, in things that seemed mundane, and learn something from it. He was the catalyst for my serendipitous learning. The other taught me how to work hard for what I want. I’m still doing it. And I’m successful ninety-nine percent of the time.
Learn continuously. It will make you a better leader. And share it! The more you give, the more you’ll get! Grow and go!
Until next time, Be GREAT!?
You ARE!
bob vásquez!