Group Life Insurance - What's the deal?
I meet many people who have life insurance through work and think that they don’t need any more. While I personally disagree as I think the cons of group life outweigh the pros, I want you to know the differences.
41% of consumers agree they need life insurance or more coverage.
Group (Employer) Basic Life insurance
27% of adults lost their life insurance coverage in 2020 due to an unplanned loss of employment.
4.1 years is the average number of years employees have been with their current employer.
Employers will also often offer supplemental term life insurance as an added benefit. This can be bought on top of the basic. While it can be easy to enroll, there are often more disadvantages. The rates are going to be blended, so the healthy and unhealthy will likely have the same rate since it's a group with limited underwriting. This is also not portable; you will likely have increased premiums each year, and it is very basic. Another reason to get your own policy through an independent broker.
You can reach out to The Life Lady for a free review and consultation of your life insurance needs.