Group Coaching Dynamics: How to Balance Individual Focus and Group Engagement

Group Coaching Dynamics: How to Balance Individual Focus and Group Engagement

We are often asked what the right balance is in a group coaching session: How much time should you spend coaching just one participant??


The truth is, much of this depends on context, yet, as a general rule, we at Group Coaching HQ suggest to spend no more than 10-15 minutes focused on one person. This always includes peer coaching so you’re not the only one coaching the person.?

Longer than that can start to feel irrelevant to others, and the person being coached might also start to feel self-conscious “Am I taking up all of the air-time here?” and that impedes them from being present to the coaching.?

The first rule of coaching one person in a group session? Permission.

Ask for permission to coach. At 5 minutes, ask again. Are you still okay with being at the center??

The second rule of coaching one person in a group session? Take no for an answer! ?

If you do have permission, here are a few ideas to help make it feel relevant to all.?

  1. Laser Coaching: Briefly focuses on one individual at a time for a set amount of time (e.g. 5 minutes). This process allows group members to gain insights applicable to their situations without feeling sidelined.?
  2. Share the Coaching Love Through Peer Coaching: When one member's challenge is explored, prompt others to share related insights or ask guiding questions to shift the dynamic from the coach to the group.?
  3. Give Quiet Moments of Reflection: After focusing on one person, ask all group members to note reflections or takeaways. “What are you learning about yourself from [person]’s share? Take 2 minutes to reflect.” This will help personalize the learning.?

Individual focus vs collective engagement is a dance.

Trust yourself and the group coaching process, build the muscles that allow you to notice when a shift is needed, and your sessions will be as balanced as Tony Hawk on a skateboard!

Ready to amplify your coaching impact by moving from 1-1 to group coaching?

Watch The Fundamentals of Group Coaching Webinar On-Demand!?


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