A Group Of Churchies
Holtz Realty

A Group Of Churchies

The crisp morning air was reminiscent of the many early Fall days of years past, and you can bet I was enjoying every moment of it while outdoors, but of course when the sun started warming things up, the gnats were back at it again. Hopefully our first frost will get rid of the bulk of them.

I forgot to mention my having seen while out driving yesterday, for the second time this year, a large hawk flying off with a snake in its beak. As much as I've been out in nature over these many years, I'd never seen such a sight until about three months. Of course I had to do a little research on the diet of hawks, and wouldn't you know, snakes are the one of many on their menu, and the one that hawk was flying off with yesterday, was definitely big enough to be considered its main course.

Very early this morning I received a text message from another agent wanting to show my new listing over at 1215 S. Massachusetts around mid-morning, and before the hour of four this afternoon, it was under contract. I didn't expect it to be on the market very long, but certainly longer than a day. Oh well, there's a home for every buyer and I guess today's fast sale was one more example.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow won't feel like a Monday like those Tuesdays after three day weekends, and mostly because I was more consumed with real estate appointments than I was anything else. I had to stop myself several times when thinking the banks were open and the mail would get delivered.

There were a good three hours free which I took advantage of over at my little/big project where I managed to get more tedious work done, but as chance would have it, one of the neighbors was outdoors, so I walked over and had a long-overdue chat which I always seem to enjoy. I've come to understand that most retired teachers always have stories to tell, and that neighbor was no exception. I always take a moment to commend him on the amount of landscaping he's done so far this year, and likely in a year or two, it'll be looking like a British garden.

Having not spoken with my long-time colleague in many weeks, I decided to call, just to bring him up to speed with what's been happening on my side of the fence. Since we've grown close enough to share our un-filtered thoughts, it's always fun hearing another's un-polluted truths. I couldn't help mentioning how irritated I get whenever on the phone with one of my competitors who makes a point of rattling off a string of gossipy stories which I've come to know they're more false than true, and most of them come from a group of 'churchies' she has coffee with regularly. In spite of my showing little or no interest in what she has to say, she'll continue to rattle on and on until I have to tell a little fib about my being late for an appointment. Gosh I hope I'm not like that when I get to be her age.

Several days ago a story was told me which I simply couldn't believe to be true, but then I heard it again yesterday from someone who's in the know, and according to him, there's a new priest in town who recently announced from the pulpit, that someone's been pretending to be him by sending various members of his church, emails asking for monetary donations, which he flat-out denied sending. Now that's definitely a new twist with these scammers. I guess when you think about it, nearly all our churches have the email addresses of their members, and of course the bulk of them would be the more trusting elderly. My gosh! Is nothing sacred anymore?

Late yesterday I decided to try a new recipe which is quite popular in England which has the main ingredient of beets, and believe it or not, it turned out much better than I ever would've expected. It actually looks and tastes like a homemade chocolate cake, but more dense and definitely filling. Truth be told, I've never been a big fan of cake, but yesterday's is something I'd eat on a regular basis. Heaven only knows I'll have enough beets to make cake for an entire army. I made a cream cheese frosting with cocoa powder added, which sent it one notch higher on my scale of 'like'.

I just heard on the news that there've been more deaths in our country so far this Labor Day weekend since they started keeping records. It sure gets a person wondering what that's all about.

Tonight's One-liner is: A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/09/02/a-group-of-churchies/


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