Grounds Maintenance Service Charge Consultation: A Guide for Housing Associations
Steven Higginbottom
Head of Housing Consultancy at Thornton & Lowe | Social Housing Specialist - Estate Services - Value for Money - Procurement - Business Growth
As a housing association, ensuring that your communal grounds are maintained is essential for the satisfaction and well being of your residents. However, managing the costs associated with these services while keeping residents informed and involved can be a challenge. This is where a Grounds Maintenance Service Charge Consultation comes into play.
Understanding Section 20 Consultation
Under Section 20 landlords are required to consult leaseholders before carrying out works or entering into long-term agreements for services that will result in costs above certain thresholds. This includes grounds maintenance services.
Consultation ensures transparency and gives residents a voice in decisions that affect their service charges. It helps build trust and ensures that the services provided meet the needs and expectations of the residents.
When Does Section 20 Apply?
According to the Leasehold Advisory Service, Section 20 consultation is required in the following scenarios:
It's important to note that most grounds maintenance contracts are put in place for 3 years or more typically, making the £100 the key figure to assess.
The Section 20 Process and Timescales
The Section 20 consultation process involves three key stages, each with specific timescales:
You need to factor in these timescales when planning your grounds maintenance procurement process, as the Section 20 consultation can take up to 3 months to complete.
Procurement Regulations for Housing Associations
Housing associations must also of course work within the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) or the upcoming Procurement Act when procuring grounds maintenance services. These regulations outline the procedures for tendering and awarding contracts above certain thresholds.
It's essential to build the Section 20 consultation process into your overall procurement timeline to ensure compliance with both sets of regulations. This can be a complex process, but seeking professional advice can help you navigate it effectively.
Grounds Maintenance Reviews and Procurement Support
Prior to procuring grounds maintenance services, it's advisable to conduct a comprehensive grounds maintenance review. This review can help assess the current service, create a procurement options appraisal, and develop an updated and fit-for-purpose specification.
Outsourced procurement consultancy services can provide valuable support throughout this process, ensuring that your procurement exercise is compliant, efficient, and delivers the best value for money.
When writing grounds maintenance specifications, it's crucial to consider factors such as sustainability, biodiversity, and resident satisfaction. A well-crafted specification will form the foundation of a successful procurement process and ensure that your grounds maintenance service meets the needs of your community.
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