Groundhog plotting basics
The geotechnical Python library groundhog ( is a general-purpose toolkit for geotechnical engineering. As communication about geotechnical test data and parameter profiles is one of the key tasks for geotechnical engineers, groundhog has a number of plotting routines which make this task easier. Built on top of the open-source Plotly library (, these plots are interactive and easy to create with just a few lines of code.
In this article, three basic plotting types are introduced:
Cumulative grain size plot
Plotting the result of sieving or hydrometer analysis tells the engineer a lot about the composition of a soil sample.
In groundhog, this is achieved with the PSDChart class which provides a plotting template for granulometric results with indication of the grain size classes according to the ISO 14688-1 standard.
We can first import the class from groundhog.
from groundhog.siteinvestigation.labtesting.indextests import \ PSDChart
Next, we generate some grain sizes (in mm) with corresponding % passing values:
d = [2.500, 2.000, 1.250, 1.000, 0.630, 0.500, 0.315, 0.250,
0.160, 0.125, 0.080, 0.063]
pct_passing = [99.9, 99.8, 98.4, 96.9, 90.8, 83.8, 62.7, 48.8,
26.8, 14.0, 4.0, 2.9]
Creating the plot is just a matter of creating a PSDChart object (called psdplot here) and adding the data using the .add_trace method. You can add as many traces as you want by repeating the .add_trace method.
psdplot = PSDChart(plot_title="Example PSD chart")
grainsize=d, pctpassing=pct_passing, name="Soil 1",
The resulting plot is shown below:
Plasticity chart
A plasticity chart summarises the results from Atterberg limit tests and show how a soil can be classified in terms of its plasticity.
A plasticity chart can easily be created in groundhog using the PlasticityChart class. We can import this class first:
from groundhog.siteinvestigation.labtesting.indextests import \ PlasticityChart
We can then create a number of generic plasticity test results. The liquid limit (water content at which the soil starts to behave as a liquid) and the plasticity index (the water content range in which the soil behaves plastically) are defined:
liquidlimits = [40, 70, 60]
plastictyindices = [10, 40, 30]
The syntax for creating the plasticity chart is again straightforward. An object of the PlasticityChart class is first created and the the data is added using the .add_trace method.
plasticityplot = PlasticityChart(
plot_title="Example plasticity chart")
ll=liquidlimits, pi=plastictyindices, name="Campaign 1")
The resulting plot is shown below:
The chart shows two lines. The A-line is an empirical line separating the clays and the silts with clays plotting above the A-line and silts below. The second line is called the U-line and is an upper bound for plasticity measurements.
The abbreviations shown in the chart are the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) acronyms. Their verbose version is also included in groundhog. A function which gives the verbose name for a given abbreviation (uscs_categories) can be imported. The Python dictionary linking the acronyms with the verbose descriptions (USCS_DICTIONARY) can also be used.
from groundhog.siteinvestigation.classification.categories import \ uscs_categories, USCS_DICTIONARY
{'GW': 'Well graded gravels, gravel- sand mixtures, little or no fines',
'GP': 'Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand mixtures, little or no fines',
'GM': 'Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures',
'GC': 'Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-clay mixtures',
'SW': 'Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines',
'SP': 'Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines',
'SM': 'Silty sands, poorly graded sand- silt mixtures',
'SC': 'Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures',
'ML': 'Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands with slight plasticity',
'CL': 'Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays',
'OL': 'Organic clays organic silt-clays of low plasticity',
'MH': 'Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts',
'CH': 'Inorganic clays of high plastic- ity, fat clays',
'OH': 'Organic clays of medium-high plasticity'}
uscs_categories('ML')['Soil type']
Output: 'Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands with slight plasticity'
Mini-log soil profile plot
Whenever in-situ or laboratory test results are plotted against depth, it is instructive to also display the soil stratigraphy. We can first import some CPT data and a definition of the stratigraphy from an Excel file (included with the groundhog version of this article). The example data is from the Borssele offshore wind farm ( The data is used under a Creative Commons license.
import pandas as pd
The CPT data is found in the tab 'Data':
cpt_df = pd.read_excel(
'Data/Seabed CPT excel export.xlsx', sheet_name='Data')
The definition of the stratigraphy is found in the tab 'Layering'. The layering can be imported as a groundhog SoilProfile object. This inherits from the Pandas dataframe but offers additional functionality for dealing with geotechnical profiles. To import data from Excel into a SoilProfile object, the read_excel method for groundhog SoilProfile objects needs to be imported:
from groundhog.general.soilprofile import read_excel
The layering has four columns, one for the top and one for the bottom of each layer, a descriptor of the soil type and a column with the total (bulk) unit weight.
layering = read_excel(
'Data/Seabed CPT excel export.xlsx', sheet_name='Layering')
SoilProfile objects contain the necessary stratigraphical information for plotting. The LogPlot objects creates plots with one or more panels from such SoilProfile objects and allows the user to add data to those plots. First the LogPlot can be imported.
from groundhog.general.plotting import LogPlot
For those using JupyterLab, Plotly plots may sometimes render with an awkward heigth. I hope the JupyterLab people fix this soon, bit in the meantime, the code below fixes things.
import as pio
pio.templates['plotly'].layout['autosize'] = False
for key in pio.templates.keys():
pio.templates[key].layout['autosize'] = False
Next, we need to define which color to connect to which soil type (from the 'Soil type' column). We can create a Python dictionary for this mapping:
colordict = {
'SAND': 'yellow',
'CLAY': 'brown',
'SILT': 'wheat'
We can now create a plot showing the cone tip resistance, sleeve friction and pore pressure at the shoulder next to the stratigraphic log. We start out by declaring which soil profile we want to create the LogPlot, then specifying the number and panels and adding the color mapping.
cptplot = LogPlot(
soilprofile=layering, no_panels=3, fillcolordict=colordict)
To add data to the plot. The .add_trace method is used. The x and z arguments are arrays (or Pandas dataframe columns) of equal length which give the values and depths to be plotted. A name can be given to each trace and the showlegend keyword defines whether the name needs to be shown in the legend or not. The keyword argument panel_no defines in which panel the plotted trace is shown.
x=cpt_df['qc [MPa]'], z=cpt_df['z [m]'], name='qc',
showlegend=False, panel_no=1)
x=cpt_df['fs [MPa]'], z=cpt_df['z [m]'], name='fs',
showlegend=False, panel_no=2)
x=cpt_df['u2 [MPa]'], z=cpt_df['z [m]'], name='u2',
showlegend=False, panel_no=3)
At this point, we are still preparing the plot for display. We now have to add the titles, ranges and tick intervals of the axes. For the x-axes, this needs to be set for each panel. The z-axis only needs to be set once as this axis is shared between all panels.
title='qc [MPa]', panel_no=1, range=(0, 100), dtick=10)
title='fs [MPa]', panel_no=2, range=(0, 1), dtick=0.1)
title='u2 [MPa]', panel_no=3, range=(-0.5, 2.5), dtick=0.5)
cptplot.set_zaxis(title='z [m]')
Finally, the .show() method displays the plot. The position of the deepest clay layer is clearly confirmed by the CPT results. For the shallowest clay layer, the CPT data suggests a thinner layer. Such differences may arise because of offsets between CPT tests and sample boreholes.
When parameters are defined in the SoilProfile object (as is the case for the total unit weight from the layering soil profile), we can add those to the plot using another method. We will plot the cone tip resistance and the total (bulk) unit weight in a second chart. First, we can add the cone tip resistance trace. The example below also shows how the line can be formatted using the standard Plotly syntax.
qc_uw_plot = LogPlot(
soilprofile=layering, no_panels=2, fillcolordict=colordict)
x=cpt_df['qc [MPa]'], z=cpt_df['z [m]'], name='qc',
showlegend=False, panel_no=1, line=dict(color='black'))
To now add data from a SoilProfile object, we can use the method .add_soilparameter_trace and specify the parameter name (column header) from the SoilProfile object. Note that when parameters vary linearly, the parameter name is the column header without from or to.
parametername='Total unit weight [kN/m3]', panel_no=2,
legendname='Bulk unit weight', showlegend=False,
line=dict(color='red', dash='dot'))
We can then again set the axes. Here, we restrict the depth axis to a range where there is CPT data.
title='qc [MPa]', panel_no=1, range=(0, 100), dtick=10)
title='Bulk unit weight [kN/m3]', panel_no=2, range=(13, 22),
qc_uw_plot.set_zaxis(title='z [m]', range=(35, 0))
Finally the plot is displayed. The specified bulk unit weight is nicely displayed alongside the cone tip resistance.
The groundhog library has a number of useful plotting routines which create instructive plots allowing interpretation of geotechnical data. If you have any suggestions for plots to include in groundhog don't hesitate to reach out.