The Groundhog Day Syndrome

The Groundhog Day Syndrome


By: Elizabeth Cowan



Is life one big hamster wheel? Groundhog Day for life?


The tasks we do every day seem repetitive and endless. Even though the actual tasks may vary from day to day, it feels like we are on a gerbil wheel and cannot get off.


Our jobs, by their very nature, contain repetitive elements. That is the order of things. Bosses boss, but the minions are the reason most companies function smoothly.


Yet, those cog-like jobs can be boring. Wouldn't it be nice if, once in a while, the minions were in charge and the bosses experienced how the subordinates' jobs functioned? It would be eye-opening, for sure. Those hotshots would scurry back to their ivory towers before the entire company came crashing down around their egotistical heads.


Ah, one can only dream.


Let's consider a typical day to understand where this lady’s mind is heading.


We all have routines. These are things we rarely deviate from on a daily basis. The alarm rouses us. We reluctantly crawl out from under the covers.


Some may shower, brush their teeth, and get dressed before heading to the kitchen for their java jolt. In truth, there are days we wish we could get the dark goodness intravenously instead of wasting time brewing and drinking that necessary beverage.


Others may start their day with a workout before tackling the clean-up part. For them, exercise is more than getting the blood flowing. They do this for themselves because, as an elderly lady once imparted to a younger version of this lady, “Take care of your body; otherwise, it will turn on you later in life.”


Some other repetitive tasks may include cooking, eating, cleaning up, laundry, and taking out the trash in time to feed the large trash bin. You would not want to disappoint the trash collectors with an empty bin.


Do not doubt that such thoughts run through this lady’s mind as she plunks a full bag into the offering receptacle. Yes. We have well established that she is a bit different from most folks.


Moving on.


Believe it or not. This lady cannot pass the bedroom without making sure the bed is made. It is a routine embedded in her DNA.


She and Hubby had an agreement. Whoever got out of bed last made the bed. Of course, she left for work earlier than he did. But, even on their days off, she slipped out of bed to beat him and avoid the bed-making chore when he started stirring.


The curious thing about routines is that some bring us pleasure and joy.


For example, if this lady does not get out to tend to her flower garden or does not mow regularly, she gets antsy. It feels like a slow drumbeat that rises to a crescendo if she does not take prompt action.


In other words, she feels lazy for neglecting the lawn mower from their joint task. Not to mention neglecting the weeds in the flower bed. Yep. Add that to your growing list, folks. That example is just the tip of the iceberg of this woman’s weirdness.


As another example for your edification, she and her polymath son engage in political discourse every four years regarding the presidential election.


It is a given that they differ in some areas due to generational attitudes and experiences. Occasionally, the discourse volume gets loud. Then, one or the other says in a calming voice (more or less), “Stop shouting.”


We are fortunate. Political discussions can sever relationships, but not ours, because we strive to keep it civil.


Overall, it is safe to say that some things in life are predictable, as much as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


Speaking of sunrises and sunsets, this lady is treated to some magnificent ones. You probably know, and she recently realized that because she is clueless, what makes them memorable is the injection of clouds. They add the artistic touch to an already awe-inspiring sight.


Watching sunrises and sunsets is a routine this lady tries not to miss and photograph.






A great gift for any occasion:

Fractured Proverbs and Twisted Thoughts ????????????????????????????

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