The grounded leader
Richard Fischer
Safety Culture Development | Human-centered Operations | Authentic Leadership
The current health and economic crisis has revealed the best and the worst in leadership. As I was asked to prepare a webinar for one of our international partners on the topic of "leadership in challenging times", I thought about a list of characteristics and practical tips that I picked from discussions and my experience with what I call "grounded leaders".
Those tips are all linked to resilience - organizational, team-based and individual - a topic worth another article, maybe ? :-)
Knowing very exactly who I am, where my values come from, what emotional state I'm in, what biases I have and how I react to some specific situations can give me a decisive edge in my leadership and relationships to others. Especially during chaotic and uncertain times...
- Go back one step and check your internal value ranking and the company values: Is this decision consistent with the value framework?
- Be aware of the impact of seemingly small decisions on company culture and your team member’s perceptions.
- Targets never have the last word, values do!
- Always be transparent about what you know and what you don’t, about what you can control and what you can’t, about your strengths and weaknesses.
- Schedule time every day for “slow thinking”. It should be a conscious effort on your part.
- When too many conflicting issues arise, take a deliberate time-out to reflect.
- Consciously congratulate yourself on small steps reached in “fast thinking mode”. Separate those that lead to success from those that are wasting your time and learn from that.
- Make good use of your team’s expertise in difficult decisions: you are not alone!
- Become more self-aware about situations that trigger your reactive thinking.
- Always keep a coaching attitude towards your team. It is even more crucial in times of crisis.
I would summarize grounded leaders as:
Any other tips or experiences with grounded leadership? Feel free to share and discuss in the comments!