Ground Ops Managers: Xops Camera Embedded GSE Footage Could Eliminate ALL Future Events/Accidents on Your Tarmac

Ground Ops Managers: Xops Camera Embedded GSE Footage Could Eliminate ALL Future Events/Accidents on Your Tarmac

Seeing is Believing!

How about 5 YEARS worth of saved #camera footage/images?

Better yet, Xops makes Camera Embedded #GSEs part of its #IntegratedTrackingSystem

The system that will become the EYES and Ears of your #groundhandling #ops / GSE team (along with our OMS package, intel as well)

Picture how your ground ops and overall #safety will improve. I included a short list below:

  • Seeing the footage of exactly what happened when an #accident #event does occur
  • Implement rules to eliminate these problems (having witnessed it in real-time)
  • Less accidents due to lessons learned
  • Possible decreased #insurance costs
  • Anticipatory monitoring of possible dangerous areas
  • Complete puzzle by adding footage/images to data from #FMS, #OMS or #DMS packages

register images for 5 year period including specific events : #impacts ,?#overtorque, #territoryintrusion, #harshbraking etc

We at Xops are excited to continually bring improvements and be at the forefront of your ground operations environments worldwide with our integrated airport management platform.

Come visit us at Stand C06 , GSE Expo Le bourget

We look forward to meeting you and learning how we can help.

Can't wait: call or email me: Silvio Guadagnino (Dir Business Development North America)

1.514.945.2851: [email protected]


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